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Rss feed policy #32

Closed AljoschaMeyer closed 8 months ago

AljoschaMeyer commented 8 months ago

Couple things I'd like to do:

By the way, is "breaking changes" language you explicitly tried to avoid? If so, you might not like

sgwilym commented 8 months ago

Seems like more of a policy decision, really...

AljoschaMeyer commented 8 months ago

We just manually report when a spec status changes

I meant that feed 1 becomes the changes-to-candidate-specs feed, whereas feed 2 is the all-changes feed.

We just don't report typos and errors

I guess... I'd like to make that explicit. Let me draft a description for feed 1.

AljoschaMeyer commented 8 months ago

Breaking Changes

Although we hope for candidate-level specifications to remain unchanged until their upgrade to final status, we might still encounter errors to fix. Rather than making this a source of exciting surprises for implementors, we prefer to list those (hopefully few) changes here. Typos and other obvious mistakes will be fixed silently rather than cluttering this log.

AljoschaMeyer commented 8 months ago

^ to replace the old Necessary Changes-headed intro.