earthworksbuilder / neh.prototype

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create model of lunar trajectory #2

Closed ellemenno closed 12 years ago

ellemenno commented 12 years ago

we need to better understand the motion of the moon relative to an observer viewing the sky from the octagon.

ideally, create a 'security camera' array of viewpoints matching the 8 octagon viewpoints, showing the 18.6yr lunar cycle so we can see the progression of rises and sets.

ellemenno commented 12 years ago

Stellarium will be a valuable reference.

I made the following observations:

ellemenno commented 12 years ago

Also, I read that the moon's rotation, the moon's orbit about the earth, the earth's rotation, and the earth's orbit about the sun are all counterclockwise. Right-hand rule if you point your thumb at Polaris. [ref:Wikipedia]

tayres commented 12 years ago

Nice!!! I see I forgot earth's "wobble". I'm adding that and security cams.

michelle-aubrecht commented 12 years ago motions of the sun simulator

ellemenno commented 12 years ago

there are a lot of great simulations on that site: !

in particular, the following relate well to our project:

michelle-aubrecht commented 12 years ago

links to the one below: lunar phases simulator

did you include the one above?

ellemenno commented 12 years ago

i've added some diagrams here:

ellemenno commented 12 years ago

Mike gave us some great data from JPL's Horizons tool. Here are the settings:

Ephemeris Type : OBSERVER Target Body : Moon [Luna] [301] Observer Location : user defined ( 82°26'50.0''W, 40°03'10.0''N, 870 ft ) Time Span : Start=2006AD-Sep-01 00:00 UT-4:00, Stop=2006AD-Dec-31, Step=1 m Table Settings : QUANTITIES=4,10; angle format=DEG; refraction model=REFRACTED; RTS flag=TVH Display/Output : download/save (plain text file)

ellemenno commented 12 years ago

added another diagram:

also found some more good visualization:

and a nice simple explanation of the major moon motion aspects (nutation is the bobbing motion of the earth that causes the moon to slide from northern rises and sets to southern:

ellemenno commented 12 years ago

here are the azimuth values of the max-min / N-S / rise-sets:

N(0°) max - set: 308°, rise: 52° min - set: 293°, rise: 65° S(180°) min - set: 244°, rise: 116° max - set: 230°, rise: 130°

ellemenno commented 12 years ago

here's the (final?) word on this, official data from JPL's Horizons tool via email, like what Mike gave us. so cool!

for the max rise/sets, i sent the following:

to: subj: JOB body:

COMMAND= '301'
CENTER= 'coord@399'
SITE_COORD= '-82.4472222222222,40.0527777777778,0.265176'
START_TIME= '2006AD-Sep-01 00:00 UT-4:00'
STOP_TIME= '2006AD-Dec-31'
STEP_SIZE= '1 m'
SOLAR_ELONG= '0,180'
QUANTITIES= '4,10,13'

for the min rise sets, i used:

START_TIME= '2015AD-Dec-01 00:00 UT-4:00'
STOP_TIME= '2016AD-Mar-31'

since Fri Sep 1, 2006 + 9.3yrs = Sat Dec 19, 2015