earwig / mwparserfromhell

A Python parser for MediaWiki wikicode
MIT License
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strip_code() needs special case for [[File:...]] links and interwiki links #136

Open halfak opened 8 years ago

halfak commented 8 years ago

It looks like strip_code() interprets File-links like they are regular wikilinks. Instead, it should remove everything except the caption/alt-text. In the example below, the size param is dumped into the text.

$ python
Python 3.4.3 (default, Jul 28 2015, 18:20:59) 
[GCC 4.8.4] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import mwparserfromhell as mwp
>>> wikicode = mwp.parse("Foo bar [[File:EscherichiaColi NIAID.jpg|135px]] baz")
>>> wikicode.strip_code()
'Foo bar 135px baz'
>>> wikicode = mwp.parse("Foo bar [[Image:EscherichiaColi NIAID.jpg|135px]] baz")
>>> wikicode.strip_code()
'Foo bar 135px baz'
earwig commented 8 years ago

The problem here is that we are depending on wiki-specific namespace names, which are very unpredictable, so a way to configure that will be required.

halfak commented 8 years ago

That's a good point. It seems very awkward to configure this per-wiki since I assume the "File" namespace will be internationalized. Is there anyway that wiki-install-specific params like this can be applied in the parser?

lahwaacz commented 8 years ago

What's the use case for such context-sensitive code stripping? There are many more similar problems: should category and interlanguage links be stripped too? And I don't even have to start with templates... IMHO the most general way to handle files and images in a detached code like mwparserfromhell (or its clients) would be to treat them like templates and not links, which should have been done in the language itself from the beginning to not create a barrier like this.

halfak commented 8 years ago

Oh! We're working on extracting prose (sentences and paragraphs) from English Wikipedia and this was one of the issues that came up with using strip_code() to get rid of content that doesn't show up when rendered. We're not too concerned about handling what is rendered via templates. Generally, I agree -- it's a bummer that we use link syntax for images, but, we can't go back and fix that now. :/

jfolz commented 8 years ago

I did this once to identify what kind of thing a link points to. The file for all Wikipedias is 260k uncompressed. If you only need this for English Wikipedia it's pretty straightforward. You can ask it to give you all its namespaces: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces

However, there's some 200+ Wikipedias in total: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=languages

The IDs are consistent across languages and most namespaces should exist everywhere. This is OK if you target the major Wikipedias that don't go anywhere soon. However, many of those only have a few pages and are sometimes removed. New ones get added from time to time. I personally wouldn't want to have to support this as it can lead to all sorts of annoyingly complex debugging with different versions floating around. It's a bit like those poor guys handling timezones in pytz.

Now, here's the catch: You can also link to a Wikipedia thing in a different language. This includes images: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/fr:Fichier:NCI_swiss_cheese.jpg Not sure if that is a thing that is done often though, files should slowly move to commons. Which is, btw, also something you need to watch out for.

Oh, the joy of working with Wikipedia, where every dirty hack ever imagined is actually the preferred way of doing things ;)

Btw, templates can also generate text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:IPA

halfak commented 8 years ago

+1 for not merging siteinfo data into mwparserfromhell. Maybe it would be more appropriate if I could provide the parser with such assets when I ask it to parse a chunk of wikitext.

Though, honestly, I'm starting to believe that this isn't something mwparserfromhell should handle. For my specific use-case, I can walk the syntax tree and check wikilink nodes as I go to make the decisions that work for my application.

earwig commented 8 years ago

There's probably something you can do involving API functions like the one that expands templates...

In EarwigBot's copyvio detector, I had to support a similar use case. It strips out images, reference, etc and leaves alone template parameter values that are longer than a certain length (which we interpret to be article content rather than technical stuff)—rather hacky overall, but it works in the majority of cases.

That code is here: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/blob/develop/earwigbot/wiki/copyvios/parsers.py#L140 , maybe it can give you some ideas.

I am not sure if this is something we should support in the parser directly, though. strip_code() wasn't intended to be a well-developed feature that covered all the edge cases.

jfolz commented 8 years ago

strip_code could accept an optional kwarg for a custom mapping function and/or dict of mapping functions for different node types. Probably not worth it though just to remove a loop from client code, but there could be other uses.

earwig commented 8 years ago

That's sensible.

jayvdb commented 8 years ago

IMO strip_code should strip all attributes of media:, file: and category: links that are not prefixed with :. Even the file: title is more code than text, as it has lost its context without the media displayed.

I vote for the caller providing a 'namespaces map' which can be used to indicate what namespace names map to which namespace numbers.

lahwaacz commented 8 years ago

Why namespace numbers? There are no namespace numbers in the language, only in the database, which is not touched at all by mwparserfromhell. Even though the common namespace numbers are constant across all wikis, there is no need to bring numbers to the parser. What would be needed and sufficient is a map of localized and aliased namespace names to the corresponding canonical (English) names. Also attributes like first-letter sensitiveness and other quirks I may be unaware of would have to be described.

ricordisamoa commented 8 years ago

mwparserfromhell should IMHO be kept minimal. Anyone doing serious wikitext expansion should use custom routines, perhaps with some knowledge of the wiki.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I agree with what @ricordisamoa just said.

jayvdb commented 8 years ago

Why namespace numbers?

Somehow the names of Media:, File: and Category: namespaces need to be provided, if they are to be treated differently. They have hard-coded well-known identifiers: namespace numbers. No need to invent a new method of identifying them.

moroboshi commented 8 years ago

Il 05/01/2016 09:57, John Vandenberg ha scritto:

Why namespace numbers?

Somehow the names of |Media:|, |File:| and |Category:| namespaces need to be provided, if they are to be treated differently. They have hard-coded well-known identifiers: namespace numbers. No need to invent a new method of identifying them.

A wikipedia can also define localized name for the namespace, for examplei in it.wiki, you can use "Category" (hardcoded) or "Categoria" (localized in italian).

Sono l'oscurità del nero più profondo Più profondo della notte più nera Sono il mare del chaos, la fonte di tutto il chaos

eranroz commented 8 years ago

I just had a similar case where I want to strip_code and remove all the images, so this is my solution:

img = re.compile('(File|Image|ALTERNATIVE_ALIASES):', re.I)
prs = mwparserfromhell.parser.Parser().parse(wikicode)
remove_img = [f for f in prs.ifilter_wikilinks() if img.match(str(f.title))]
for f in remove_img:

And to get ALTERNATIVE_ALIASES you need to:

Anyway, maybe parser should provide some utility function of "remove links which have target that match x" (where x is re/function) - this seems to be useful and general enough.

earwig commented 8 years ago


Just use mwparserfromhell.parse(wikicode)...

harej commented 6 years ago

I've noticed problems with strip_code() and filtering HTML tags as well.

Based on https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:FNBot?action=raw:

<div style="margin-left: -1em;"><div style="margin-left: -10%;">
<div style="width: 80%; margin: auto;margin-bottom:5px;"><div style="float:left;padding-right: 4px;">{{Benutzer:ZOiDberg/Vorlage:user py}}</div><div style="float:left;padding-right: 4px;">{{Benutzer:Sitic/Babel/tools}}</div><div style="float:left;">{{Benutzer:FNDE/Vorlage/Bot}}</div><br style="clear:both;"></div>
|Kontakt = Benutzer_Diskussion:FNDE
|Modus   = automatisch
<table style="width: 80%;margin:auto;background:#f8f9fa;border: 2px solid #eaecf0;padding:10px;margin-top:7px;">
<tr><td>FNBot kann im Notfall <b>sofort</b> angehalten werden.[{{fullurl:Benutzer:FNBot/Stop|action=edit&preload=Benutzer:FNBot/Stop/Preload&unwatch=1&section=new&nosummary=1&editintro=Benutzer:FNBot/Stop/Editnotice&summary=Bot%20angehalten}} <span style="padding:4px 7px 3px 7px;color:#fff;background: #de2525;border-radius: 4px;font-weight:bold;font-size:14pt;position: relative;top:2px;left:5px;">× NOT AUS</span>]</div>

<table style="width: 80%;margin:auto;background:#fbfdd6;border: 2px solid #eaecf0;padding:10px;margin-top:7px;">

<table style="width: 80%;margin:auto;background:#fbfdd6;border: 2px solid #eaecf0;padding:10px;margin-top:7px;">

I do:

>>> r = requests.get('https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:FNBot?action=raw').text
>>> mwparserfromhell.parse(r).strip_code()
'<table style="width: 80%;margin:auto;background:#f8f9fa;border: 2px solid #eaecf0;padding:10px;margin-top:7px;">\n<tr><td>FNBot kann im Notfall sofort angehalten werden.[ × NOT AUS]</td></tr>\n</table>'

As far as I know, that HTML spam should not be in there. Is that problem related to the problem documented in this Issue? Is this a different problem? Is this the intended behavior?

ghost commented 6 years ago

What you see is the intended behaviour. The HTML tags are imbalanced in your code sample, so mwparserfromhell treats the offending segment as just text.

A real library like lxml would simply fix the imbalanced tags for you, for comparison. But mwparser doesn't because we require parsing not to transform the text, i.e. you can take the output of mwparserfromhell.parse(...) and copy-paste it back into the edit window and MediaWiki will not record an extra revision.

ctrlcctrlv commented 1 year ago

I've implemented this. See #301.

ctrlcctrlv commented 1 year ago

My solution leads to the following on the current wikitext for [[ja:w:西村博之]]:

$ python3 parse.py 西村博之.mediawiki|grep Wikilink|grep 画像:|column -t -s $'\t' -T4
Wikilink  画像:Hiroyuki Nishimura%27s_speech in Sapporo_20050831.jpg  ['220px', 'thumb']  [[札幌市]] 2005年
Wikilink  画像:Jim Watkins 1 (cropped).png                            ['225px', 'thumb']  [[2ちゃんねる]]と[[8chan]]を運営している[[ジム・ワトキンス]]
Wikilink  画像:Ronald Watkins (cropped).jpg                           ['225px', 'thumb']  [[2010年代]]に5ちゃんねると8kunの管理人を務めた[[ロン・ワトキンス]]
Wikilink  画像:2chan main page.png                                    ['250px', 'thumb']  [[4chan]]の親サイト「[[ふたば☆ちゃんねる]]」([https://www.2chan.net/ 2chan.net]) は、[[2ちゃんねる]]の分派として2001年に開設された。
Wikilink  画像:4chan's main page.png                                  ['250px', 'thumb']  "[[4chan]]は、2003年に開設された英語圏最大の匿名掲示板。2015年から[[CHANカルチャー]]創始者の「ひろゆき」によって管理・運営されている<ref name=""清義明 20210329""/><ref name=""藤原4""/><ref name=""GNET""/>。"
Wikilink  画像:Christopher Poole at XOXO Festival September 2012.jpg  ['250px', 'thumb']  [[4chan]]の創設者で初代管理人の[[クリストファー・プール|moot]]。mootは英語圏のインターネットフォーラム「[[:en:Something Awful|Something Awful]]」と日本語圏の[[画像掲示板]]「[[ふたば☆ちゃんねる]]」のアクティブユーザーであった。
Wikilink  画像:8chan logo.svg                                         ['thumb', '250px']  "[[4chan]]から派生した[[8chan]](現:8kun)は「世界で最も卑劣なウェブサイト」とも評される[[匿名掲示板]]<ref name=""清義明 20210329""/>。また管理人の[[ロン・ワトキンス]]は、[[Qアノン]]陰謀論における「[[Qアノン#「Q」の正体|Q]]」の正体として一般的に信じ
Wikilink  画像:2ch_2007Logo.png                                       ['250px', 'thumb']  [[仮差押え]]する申し立てが[[東京地方裁判所|東京地裁]]に出された際、[[差押|差押え]]対象が2ch.netの[[ドメイン名|ドメイン]]にまで及んでいたことに対する痛烈な皮肉であった<ref>{{Cite news |title=「2ちゃんねる」閉鎖 これはギャグなのか |date=2007-01-15 |url
$ python3 parse.py 西村博之.mediawiki|grep Wikilink|head -n 20
Wikilink    1976年       
Wikilink    昭和      
Wikilink    11月16日      
Wikilink    日本      
Wikilink    実業家     
Wikilink    論客      
Wikilink    英語圏     
Wikilink    匿名      
Wikilink    4chan       
Wikilink    管理者     管理人
Wikilink    匿名掲示板       
Wikilink    2ちゃんねる (2ch.sc)     2ch.sc
Wikilink    未来検索ブラジル        
Wikilink    愛称      
Wikilink    通称      
Wikilink    匿名掲示板       
Wikilink    2ちゃんねる      
Wikilink    ドワンゴ        
Wikilink    動画共有サービス        動画配信サービス
Wikilink    ニコニコ動画      

parser.py containing:

import mwparserfromhell
from mwparserfromhell.nodes import Wikilink
import argparse
import csv, sys
import json

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='parse wikitext for a Wikipedia page.')
    parser.add_argument('input', help='Input file')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    csvw = csv.writer(sys.stdout, delimiter="\t")

    with open(args.input) as f:
        inp = f.read()

    for tag in mwparserfromhell.parse(inp).nodes:
        csvw.writerow([type(tag).__name__] + ([tag.title, tag.args, tag.text] if isinstance(tag, Wikilink) else [str(tag)]))