easafe / purescript-flame

Fast & simple framework for building web applications
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Bug when using a function as the type of a message #78

Open SATBH opened 1 year ago

SATBH commented 1 year ago

The minimal reproducible example would be this.

module Main where

import Prelude

import Effect (Effect)
import Flame.Application.NoEffects (mount_)
import Flame.Html.Element as HE
import Flame.Types (Html, Subscription)
import Flame.Html.Attribute as HA
import Flame (QuerySelector(..))

type Model = Int
type Message = Model -> Model

init :: Model
init = 0

subscribe :: Array (Subscription Message)
subscribe = []

view :: Model -> Html Message
view model = HE.button [HA.onClick ((+) 1)] (show model)

update :: Model -> Message -> Model
update model message = message model

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  mount_ (QuerySelector "body") { init, subscribe, view, update}

I get that the point of messages is to limit the type of mutations one can do on the model. But I was playing around with that, since it allows me to try some things faster while i decide how to structure the state and its mutations. Trying this however fails, and when the button is clicked the following error is logged

caught TypeError: h(...) is not a function
    at F.runHandlers (index.js:2273:51)
    at F.runEvent (index.js:2264:14)

Is this known?

easafe commented 1 year ago

Hello @SATBH ,

Thanks for bringing this up. I don't think anyone have tried to use a function as message type. It should be possible to patch but were you thinking of using function just to avoid defining sum types?

SATBH commented 1 year ago

I mean, I do think using a Sum type is the better choice. I just was playing around mostly, since i'm currently learning purescript and flame. And wanted to edit the model loosely cause i didn't want to plan ahead for the most part and discovered the bug. If it helps, wrapping the function in another type solves it. And sending a message with send doesn't trigger it either. I am just opening the issue for robustness' sake mostly