easemob / im_flutter_sdk

环信im flutter sdk, example中包含ui代码.
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一直报 errorCode 2 #446

Closed jianibaobei closed 2 years ago

jianibaobei commented 2 years ago

一直报 errorCode 2 EaseMob | V | init: {appKey: 1113200703041339#blinddate, autoLogin: true, debugModel: true, acceptInvitationAlways: false, autoAcceptGroupInvitation: false, deleteMessagesAsExitGroup: true, deleteMessagesAsExitChatRoom: true, dnsUrl: , enableDNSConfig: true, imPort: 0, imServer: , isAutoDownload: true, isChatRoomOwnerLeaveAllowed: true, requireAck: true, requireDeliveryAck: false, restServer: , serverTransfer: true, sortMessageByServerTime: true, usingHttpsOnly: false} E/EMPushConfig(25463): senderId can't be empty when enable FCM push ! E/EMPushHelper(25463): EMPushHelper init, config: EMPushConfig{fcmSenderId='null', hwAppId='null', miAppId='null', miAppKey='null', mzAppId='null', mzAppKey='null', oppoAppKey='null', oppoAppSecret='null', vivoAppId='null', vivoAppKey='null', enabledPushTypes=[]} D/ONE SDK (25463): [2021/11/04 11:13:49:412]: set temporary sampling rate D/ONE SDK (25463): [2021/11/04 11:13:49:412]: getConfigInfoWithVersion() version : 3.8.3 D/ONE SDK (25463): [2021/11/04 11:13:49:412]: addConnectionListener D/ONE SDK (25463): [2021/11/04 11:13:49:412]: getBaseServerUrl() D/ONE SDK (25463): [2021/11/04 11:13:49:412]: monitorBaseUrl() D/ONE SDK (25463): [2021/11/04 11:13:49:412]: EMDNSManager::getCurrentHost: type: 4 D/ONE SDK (25463): [2021/11/04 11:13:49:412]: EMDNSManager::getHost: type: 4 D/ONE SDK (25463): [2021/11/04 11:13:49:412]: getBaseServerUrl() , monitorBaseUrl : D/ONE SDK (25463): [2021/11/04 11:13:49:412]: url is invalid D/ONE SDK (25463): [2021/11/04 11:13:49:415]: addConnectionListener D/ONE SDK (25463): [2021/11/04 11:13:49:420]: registerContactListener E/EMClient(25463): is autoLogin : true E/EMClient(25463): lastLoginUser : E/EMClient(25463): hyphenate SDK is initialized with version : 3.8.3 I/flutter (25463): isConnected=false I/flutter (25463): onDisconnected,errorCode==2

dujiepeng commented 2 years ago

static final int | NETWORK_ERROR = 2 2看起来是网络错误,请问是必现的么。可以加群535134817

dujiepeng commented 2 years ago
