easility / Play2Plugin

Playorm plugin for Play2.1
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Data are not persisted into cassandra #6

Closed hsn10 closed 11 years ago

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

Calling em.flush() do not saves data into cassandra. Only metadata CF are created. I tested my entity model and sample code in standalone application and it works as expected. Need to debug playorm a bit to see why its ignored.

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

odd, we have not run into em.flush ever not working as of yet. Is this the in-memory version or directly to cassandra? When you checkout playorm, there is a test suite that runs against in-memory to start with but if you go into FactorySingleton.java and lines 23-25 uncomment cassandra and comment out in-memory then all tests will run against cassandra instead. There is 107 tests and that number is always increasing. Let us know if they fail for you and you can compare with your code as well.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

only test failing if i run gradle test is testBasicLocalTime.

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<0> but was:<1> at junit.framework.Assert.fail(Assert.java:50) at junit.framework.Assert.failNotEquals(Assert.java:287) at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:67) at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:199) at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:205) at com.alvazan.test.TestIndexTypes.testBasicLocalTime(TestIndexTypes.java:76)

but these tests are not using cassandra, how to point these tests to my cassandra server?

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

error was: expected 0 but was 1

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

that one error is with inmemory db. i re-read your reply and testing cassandra now.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

with cassandra i have zero test failures.

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

hmmmm, so if you port some of your code into our test suite, is it working or failing?

or vice versa, if you port some of our code into your test suite. Does your code at least work with in-memory version or is it failing on both. Are you 100% sure flush was not in an if statement or something that was not called....just trying to think of anything that could cause that.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

It was usage error. I was under impression that it works like in Hibernate where session is binded to calling thread:

In hibernate following style works:

one function called from controller

in other function:

while in your playorm em() always returns new instance

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

so only result of this thread is catching one failing unit test. I will report it to playorm and close this.

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

sounds like a bug, NoSql.em() is for playframework only and in 1.2.x it results in the same EntityManager IF the thread is the same so this sounds like purely a 2.x plugin bug.


deanhiller commented 11 years ago

Vikas, can you look into this as I have never touched the 2.x plugin as of yet.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

where is code for 1.x plugin? i will check it

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

it is in com.alvazan.play package in the playorm project itself.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

You are right. Play1 plugin is using thread local storage. Its simple to code, i just need to check play2 api for providing hooks for cleaning local context.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

Play2 plugin API does not have support for beforeInvocation, afterInvocation and similar.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

probably filter has to be written - http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.1.2-RC2/ScalaHttpFilters Only problem is that for filter activation its needed to extend Global object and user already can have own Global. Its unclear if application can have more then one GlobalSettings class

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

Okay i have code for this. It needs to be more tested in multithreading tasks if race conditions are not here.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

it has race conditions. In heavy multithreaded workload about 10% of updates are lost because it binds new entity manager to thread, overwriting old one. Play framework 2 is using async replies which makes it difficult to init entity manager because it will be called later by other thread.

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

well, play 1.2.x had the same one request can call controller multiple times so we stuck with the simple one NoSqlEntityManager per controller method call instead which seems to work out fine as generally you flush at the end of the controller method call. Is there anything like beforeInvocation and afterInvocation possibly in play 2.x?

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

currently best known fix for me is to do that: It can run my tests without data loss.

public NoSqlEntityManager em() {
    NoSqlEntityManager em = entityManager.get();
    if(em != null)
        return em;

    if(entityManagerFactory == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("No NoSqlEntityManagerFactory configured");
    System.out.println("creating and binding NEW em");
    em = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
    return em;
hsn10 commented 11 years ago

second part of testing is making sure that not flushed data are discarded. If not, then there is need to add api for discarding data like em.rollback()

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

Vikas, can you post on the playframework 2.x list if there is a way to clear the ThreadLocal after a controller has been called (sort of like a afterInvocation method) such that we can clear the entitymanager for that thread.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

it looks like this: cleanup action is not guaranteed to be called from same thread as controller action.

Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6,5,main] saving 9019189733991783391 Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-8,5,main] saving -5357047405576633570 Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-7,5,main] saving 3636428833826798739 Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4,5,main] saving 4488436642740285347 Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2,5,main] saving 5356246889603830323 Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-9,5,main] saving -7824999486368613868 Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-8,5,main] saving 2908257382006788523 Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3,5,main] saving -494104006919642858 Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5,5,main] saving 6275055572434286109 Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5,5,main] unbinding async result Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5,5,main] unbinding async result Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5,5,main] unbinding async result Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-9,5,main] unbinding async result Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-8,5,main] unbinding async result Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4,5,main] unbinding async result Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2,5,main] unbinding async result Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3,5,main] unbinding async result Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2,5,main] unbinding async result Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6,5,main] saving 3642727928594026527 Thread[play-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6,5,main] unbinding async result

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

as i see it, best would be to make NoSql.em() always create new object and user has to pass it as argument. I tried both http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.1.2-RC2/ScalaActionsComposition and http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.1.2-RC2/ScalaHttpFilters and none guarantee that hooks will be called by same thread. Play framework 2.0 is based on actor async model.

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

okay, another idea. What we really want to do is tie the EntityManager to the request lifecycle, correct? such taht request created, entitymanager created if needed and destroyed when request is destroyed. Do they have something where you could in NoSql.em() call Request.currentRequest.setParam("em", em) and when the request goes away the EntityManager naturally gets garbage collected for you....nothing for you to do at all.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

This is good idea. I am checking Scala API and Request http://www.playframework.com/documentation/api/2.1.1/scala/index.html#play.api.mvc.Request can have just map [String, String] attached, it can not have arbitrary object. Possibility is to use Request.Id:Long and create hashtable(id,em) for storing entitymanager based on request id. I need to check stability of that id field, if adding or removing headers keep it same.

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

hmmmm, in that case, you would need to know when the request is finished so you can erase the usage from the hashtable :(. In play 1.2.x, they had a Map<String, Object> that we store stuff in....I wonder why they still don't have that so that you don't have to worry about cleaning up the hashtable and leaking memory there.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

Cleaning works fine, you can see it from my dump. They still have map but its [String, String]

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

map is Request.tags[String, String]

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

request.id is stable during request lifecycle. it can be used for that purpose. But it needs to be passed to play.NoSql.em() somehow. What method do you propose

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

needs to be passed to NoSql.em()?

Is there no Request.current() like in the previous playframework?

Also, out of curiosity, is there a way to use the "pimp your library (scala pattern)" of scala to add a field in the Request object of Map<String, Object> so you don't need a static Map to clean up?

How are you going to clean up the static Map<String, EntityMgr> idToMgr so it doesn't keep growing?

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

I am thinking about this http://underflow.ca/blog/798/playing-with-actions/ wrap action and add EntityManager parameter. It will not be invisible solution like filter, but it should fit playframework programming style nicely.

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

If you need to change the api of NoSql, let's just create a NoSql2 and so we would accept any pull requests for a NoSql2 that you could use NoSql -> play 1.2.x and NoSql2 -> play 2.x. After all, I think you have more knowledge of the play 2.x line than I do. I am a bit rusty on scala as well though I do prefer scala to java as I like the immutability and the conciseness of alot of stuff.

later, Dean

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

since i could not find any magic how to do it transparently, i just wrapped action. Because scala and java have different api there have to be 2 plugins: main for scala with this and small one (just 1 class) for java.

import play.api.mvc._ import com.alvazan.orm.api.base.NoSqlEntityManager

object ActionHelpers {

def withEntityManager(action: NoSqlEntityManager => EssentialAction):EssentialAction = { EssentialAction { request => action(NoSqlForPlay2.getEntityManagerFactory().createEntityManager())(request) } } }

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

its simple to use in controller, just wrap action withEntityManager. No need to cleanup, gc will care.

def index = withEntityManager { mgr => Action { implicit request => val token = TokenTools.generate() mgr.put(token) mgr.flush() println(Thread.currentThread()+ "/"+request.id+ " saving "+token) Ok(views.html.index( postForm.fill( (new Note(), token)) )) } }

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

sounds fine to me. Just do a pull request or I guess you can wait until Vikas wakes up. I would not even know where to put the code and don't really have 5 minutes to look though if you do a pull request, I will gladly click the button that merges it ;).

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

ok, so create another project play2plugin-java

easility commented 11 years ago

I can create another project but can we do: NoSql.em() for Java for both Play1.x and Play2.x like existing and NoSql2.em() for Scala for Play2.x? In that case, will we need another project?

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

I would leave play 1.x plugin where it is now. It works fine in play 1 / java and i never used play1 with scala.

I will read documentation about sbt and make multi project sbt build in play2plugin. It will produce 2 jars, one for java second for scala

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

sounds good to me.

hsn10 commented 11 years ago

I did variant with Global object, but i will probably change it to this http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.1.1/JavaActionsComposition - it will be consisent with scala version and allows user to define own global object.

deanhiller commented 11 years ago

should I close this now or?