easitab / EPR.GlobalFunctions

Provide functions to be used in script executed by EasitProcessRunner
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Add global variables for result object #65

Open easitanth opened 3 months ago

easitanth commented 3 months ago

We should provide a easy way to return a "result object" back to Easit GO when a scripts completes.

A suggestion is to create a PSCustomObject in 'Set-EPREnvironment' and add it as a global variable, for example 'eprResult'.

$eprResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
    eprErrorMessage = $null
    eprReturnMessage = $null
    eprReturnCode = 0
New-Variable -Name "eprResult" -Scope 'Global' -Value


begin {
process {
    try {
        $fileContent = Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\myfile.txt" -Raw
    } catch {
        $eprResult.eprReturnMessage = "Unable to get content from file"
        $eprResult.eprErrorMessage = $_.Exception
        $eprResult.eprReturnCode= 1
end {
    Send-ToEasitGO -Url 'urltoEasitGO' -Apikey 'myApikey' -ImportHandlerIdentifier 'resultFromEPR' -Item $eprResult