This is a script which parses a gff file (refseq) and a tsv containing HGNC_ids and associated annotation. Using this it produced a bed file which is collapses of all the transcripts which match the HGNC ids and an igv html report of the bed file for viewing.
Uses which has been modified to work with dtypes. is used for calling create_report from igv_reports to create the the html report of the bed file. in the main script to run containing the required functions to extract the relevant transcripts and merge overlapping regions in the bed file.
Still to develop:
Adding columns to html report by using a tsv file + add bed file as additional track with track config.
This is a script which parses a gff file (refseq) and a tsv containing HGNC_ids and associated annotation. Using this it produced a bed file which is collapses of all the transcripts which match the HGNC ids and an igv html report of the bed file for viewing.
Still to develop:
This change is