eastham / adsb_actions

A package for taking actions based on live or recorded ADS-B data.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Set up alerts from syslog #14

Open harpermann opened 3 months ago

harpermann commented 3 months ago
harpermann commented 1 month ago

Alerts from syslog are working with mtail Alerts are captured with simple Regex

@syslog { /adsb_actions/ { /WARNING (.)/ { mtail_adsb_actions_warning_total[$1]++ del mtail_adsb_actions_warning_total[$1] after 5m } /ERROR (.)/ { mtail_adsb_actions_error_total[$1]++ del mtail_adsb_actions_error_total[$1] after 5m }

ANY Warning or Error will be posted to Prometheus and Alertmanager as metrics. We have the option of graphing the metrics with Grafana. The metric will be deleted (from mtail, not Prom) after 5 minutes. If it is stall active, syslog is still posting warning or errors, the alert will got active again and post another alert. This may well be too often so we can adjust this after we get some production run experience or if we want to start slower.

Mtail configuration is in https://github.com/harpermann/brc_airport_prometheus/blob/main/adsb_actions.mtail

harpermann commented 2 weeks ago

This is checked in on harper-dev branch so we can talk about what might get merged. I've messed with the module paths so this branch may be broken for a moment. The modules work for me after failing to get the relative path ones to work.

A new module called adsb_logger.py has the global syslog config. If you change the level in that file, the config propagates across all modules. If you set the log level in the particular modules it will override the global syslog and output at the local level that specific module. You can set all logging to say global INFO but override one or more specific modules to DEBUG. You can mix and match levels in the hierarchy. I also changed everything to use logger. instead of logging. Let me know if there was a something about using logging instead of logger. I can't tell the difference.