EasyGraph is an open-source network analysis library designed to cover advanced network processing methods. It includes functionalities for detecting structural hole spanners, network embedding, and various classic network analysis techniques.
when I try to run:
model1 = eg.functions.graph_embedding.sdne.SDNE(G,hidden_size=[256, 128]) # The order of model LINE. 'first','second' or 'all'.
model1.train(batch_size=3000, epochs=40, verbose=2)
y = model1.get_embeddings() # Returns the graph embedding results.
I get the error like:
ValueError: Failed to convert a NumPy array to a Tensor (Unsupported numpy type: NPY_INT).
when I try to run: model1 = eg.functions.graph_embedding.sdne.SDNE(G,hidden_size=[256, 128]) # The order of model LINE. 'first','second' or 'all'. model1.train(batch_size=3000, epochs=40, verbose=2) y = model1.get_embeddings() # Returns the graph embedding results.
I get the error like: ValueError: Failed to convert a NumPy array to a Tensor (Unsupported numpy type: NPY_INT).
I'm wondering what's wrong?