[2021-06-01 20:44:45 98315.3] NOTICE request is illegal and it has been discarded, 79 bytes unprocessed
[2021-06-01 20:44:45 98315.3] NOTICE finish (ERRNO 1005): session#9 does not exists
[2021-06-01 20:44:45 *98315.3] NOTICE end (ERRNO 1005): session[9] is closed
安装demo 允许简易请求 ` use EasySwoole\WordsMatch\Config; use EasySwoole\WordsMatch\WMServer;
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
$http = new \Swoole\Http\Server("", 9501); $config = new Config(); $config->setDict(DIR.'/tests/dictionary.txt'); WMServer::getInstance($config)->attachServer($http); $http->on("request", function ($request, $response) {
$http->start(); ` [2021-06-01 20:44:45 98315.3] NOTICE request is illegal and it has been discarded, 79 bytes unprocessed [2021-06-01 20:44:45 98315.3] NOTICE finish (ERRNO 1005): session#9 does not exists [2021-06-01 20:44:45 *98315.3] NOTICE end (ERRNO 1005): session[9] is closed
$ret = WMServer::getInstance()->detect($word); 没获得任何结果