easybuilders / easybuild-easyconfigs

A collection of easyconfig files that describe which software to build using which build options with EasyBuild.
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Error in installation of `Python-3.11.5-GCCcore-13.2.0.eb` with EasyBuild 4.9.2 #21078

Open gkaf89 opened 1 month ago

gkaf89 commented 1 month ago

When trying to install Python-3.11.5-GCCcore-13.2.0.eb with EasyBuild version 4.9.2, the installation fails due to an error in the installation of a file. The installation script seems to be using the log file path to store intermediate files which causes an error.

Further details

During the failed installation sub-step the file


is created in the log directory (with the references in the log file path not resolved). This seems like a file that should be installed in the installation path according to the file contents:

# sitecustomize.py script installed by EasyBuild,
# to pick up Python packages installed with `--prefix` into folders listed in $EBPYTHONPREFIXES

import os
import site
import sys

# print debug messages when $EBPYTHONPREFIXES_DEBUG is defined
debug = os.getenv('EBPYTHONPREFIXES_DEBUG')

# use prefixes from $EBPYTHONPREFIXES, so they have lower priority than
# virtualenv-installed packages, unlike $PYTHONPATH

ebpythonprefixes = os.getenv('EBPYTHONPREFIXES')

if ebpythonprefixes:
    postfix = os.path.join('lib', 'python' + '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2])), 'site-packages')
    if debug:
        print("[EBPYTHONPREFIXES] postfix subdirectory to consider in installation directories: %s" % postfix)

    potential_sys_prefixes = (getattr(sys, attr, None) for attr in ("real_prefix", "base_prefix", "prefix"))
    sys_prefix = next(p for p in potential_sys_prefixes if p)
    base_paths = [p for p in sys.path if p.startswith(sys_prefix)]

    for prefix in ebpythonprefixes.split(os.pathsep):
        if debug:
            print("[EBPYTHONPREFIXES] prefix: %s" % prefix)
        sitedir = os.path.join(prefix, postfix)
        if os.path.isdir(sitedir):
            if debug:
                print("[EBPYTHONPREFIXES] adding site dir: %s" % sitedir)

    # Move base python paths to the end of sys.path so modules can override packages from the core Python module
    sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if p not in base_paths] + base_paths

The installation fails when coping sitecustomize.py to its final path.

Following the installation error, the log files for Python are not created. Log files were created without issues for all packages on which Python depends.

gkaf89 commented 1 month ago

Call stack produced with traceback.print_stack() at exceptions in lines 986 and 1460 of file easybuild-framework/easybuild/tools/module_generator.py:

  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/main.py", line 789, in <module>
    main(prepared_cfg_data=(init_session_state, eb_go, cfg_settings))
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/main.py", line 742, in main
    do_cleanup = process_easystack(options.easystack, args, logfile, testing, init_session_state, do_build)
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/main.py", line 289, in process_easystack
    do_cleanup &= process_eb_args([path], eb_go, cfg_settings, modtool, testing, init_session_state,
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/main.py", line 567, in process_eb_args
    ecs_with_res = build_and_install_software(ordered_ecs, init_session_state,
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/main.py", line 137, in build_and_install_software
    (ec_res['success'], app_log, err) = build_and_install_one(ec, init_env)
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/framework/easyblock.py", line 4264, in build_and_install_one
    result = app.run_all_steps(run_test_cases=run_test_cases)
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/framework/easyblock.py", line 4143, in run_all_steps
    self.run_step(step_name, step_methods)
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/framework/easyblock.py", line 3978, in run_step
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/framework/easyblock.py", line 2880, in extensions_step
    fake_mod_data = self.load_fake_module(purge=True, extra_modules=build_dep_mods)
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/framework/easyblock.py", line 1708, in load_fake_module
    fake_mod_path = self.make_module_step(fake=True)
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/framework/easyblock.py", line 3751, in make_module_step
    txt += self.make_module_extra()
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/easyblocks/p/python.py", line 599, in make_module_extra
    txt += self.module_generator.prepend_paths('PYTHONPATH', self.pythonpath)
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/tools/module_generator.py", line 265, in prepend_paths
    return self.update_paths(key, paths, prepend=True, allow_abs=allow_abs, expand_relpaths=expand_relpaths)
  File "/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/tools/module_generator.py", line 1461, in update_paths
ERROR: Build of /work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/easybuild/easyconfigs/p/Python/Python-3.11.5-GCCcore-13.2.0.eb failed (err: 'build failed (first 300 chars): Absolute path /work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/logs/   %(name)s-%(version)s/20240729_095326/python passed to update_paths which only expects relative paths.') 
gkaf89 commented 1 month ago

Working back from

"/work/projects/software_stack_alpha/test/easybuild/iris/2023b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.9.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/easybuild/easyblocks/p/python.py", line 599

the problem seems to be caused by the definition of the pythonpath class member variable of the EB_Python block:

# Used for EBPYTHONPREFIXES handler script
self.pythonpath = os.path.join(log_path(), 'python')

Should pythonpath be set to the log directory? Would using build_path instead of log_path make more sense?

gkaf89 commented 1 month ago

Using build_path suffers from the same issue with the log_path, the function that uses the pythonpath field variable expects a relative path.

I created a pull request in the easyblocks repository: https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyblocks/pull/3400

boegel commented 1 month ago

I took a quick look, and it seems like the self.pythonpath in the Python easyblock is set up assuming that the log_path() function will return a relative path, while in your case it's returning an absolute path.

With a default EasyBuild configuration, I'm seeing:

$ python3 -c "from easybuild.tools.options import set_up_configuration; from easybuild.tools.config import log_path; set_up_configuration(silent=True); print(log_path())"

When I mimic the relevant part of your configuration though, that changes:

export EASYBUILD_LOGFILE_FORMAT='/prefix/logs/%%(name)s-%%(version)s/%%(date)s_%%(time)s,easybuild-%%(name)s-%%(version)s.log'
python3 -c "from easybuild.tools.options import set_up_configuration; from easybuild.tools.config import log_path; set_up_configuration(silent=True); print(log_path())"

The reason the Python easyblock is using log_path() is to figure out the subdirectory of the installation directory in which the EasyBuild installation log file is stored (which by default is easybuild).

So in some sense this problem is self-inflicted, it only occurs because you've customized the logfile-format configuration setting.

That said, the Python easyblock should be robust against this, of course...

boegel commented 1 month ago

After giving this some more thought, I think the directory part of logfile-format is supposed to be a path that's relative to the software installation directory. EasyBuild isn't enforcing that though (it probably should).

gkaf89 commented 1 month ago

It seems a bit restrictive the force the installation of the from log files in a path relative to the installation path.

This does not affects our case however, I can change the path to a relative path. It is already pointing inside the installation directory anyway.

gkaf89 commented 3 weeks ago

After giving this some more thought, I think the directory part of logfile-format is supposed to be a path that's relative to the software installation directory. EasyBuild isn't enforcing that though (it probably should).

I think we are dealing with 2 issues here.

Am I understanding the use of pythonpath correctly? Is there a more appropriate directory to store the python artifacts?

boegel commented 3 weeks ago

@gkaf89 Your understanding of the pythonpath variable is correct (we should probably rename it too, because it's a bit confusing).

I think you're right that we should reconsider where the sitecustomize.py script is being stored. That should definitely be somewhere in the installation directory.

That said, calling the easybuild subdirectory of the installation directory the "directory containing the log files" is somewhat incorrect, since other artifacts are also already stored in there, like a copy of the easyconfig file being used, patch files, the reprod directory that contains a copy of the easyblock, etc.

However, since sitecustomize.py is really part of the installation itself, it probably should be stored outside of the easybuild directory.

I guess storing it directory in the installation directory is not a good option, and then the question is in which (custom) subdirectory it should be stored (definitely not <installdir>/python/)...

Any suggestions here?