easylist / easylistgermany

EasyList Germany filter subscription
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spiele.bild.de #202

Closed JobcenterTycoon closed 1 year ago

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago


The old rule ||partners2.das-onlinespiel.de/client.js?pid=pg_bildnew&_=2.12.3|$script,domain=spiele.bild.de doesn’t work anymore because the link changed. I get


now. Also there is a unblocked ad server servedby.adbility-media.com

Adblocker: uBlock Origin default with EasyList, EasyPrivacy and EasyList germany

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

@Khrin its too spezific. Your filter works on https://spiele.bild.de/kreuzwortraetsel/ but not on other games like https://spiele.bild.de/solitaer/

Also i see a new ad on the game startpage https://spiele.bild.de/

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

Why not just ||partners2.das-onlinespiel.de^$third-party ?

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

@Khrin filter suggestion for the casino ad


Khrin commented 1 year ago

What "Casio ad"? Where it is?

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

The image from https://github.com/easylist/easylistgermany/issues/202#issuecomment-1227208480 is from the top of the page (at the bottom is a second banner)

Khrin commented 1 year ago

I can't see any unblocked ads in there, also if using German VPNs.