easylist / ruadlist

98 stars 18 forks source link

vkplay.live #257

Closed Mehavoid closed 10 months ago

Mehavoid commented 10 months ago

Описание проблемы (Description of the problem):

Отправляет статистику.


Генератор запроса ```javascript function I(a, b, c, d) { oa && Ma(ta, ++F); var e = "id"in a ? a.id : V, h = "url"in a ? a.url : x.href, g = "referrer"in a ? a.referrer : k.referrer, l = "title"in a ? a.title : k.title, n; n = db; null === n && (n = uc()); n = null !== n ? n ? 1 : 0 : null; var Ka = "userid"in a ? a.userid : Y || 0 === Y ? Y : void 0, m = Z ? Z : void 0, A; A = ma && a.bfCache; var r = "pageView" === a.type && a.timespent , q = []; V && e !== V && q.push("sec"); "dataLayer"in f && q.push("dl"); C && q.push(["ecom"].concat(C).join("-")); var xa = vc(); xa && xa.length && q.push(["jst"].concat(xa).join("-")); A && q.push("bfc"); M && r && q.push("ts"); f.top !== f && q.push("frame"); A = q.join(","); var eb = f.screen , r = (new Date).getTimezoneOffset() , q = ""; if (f.Intl) try { q = f.Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone || "" } catch (wc) { p && console.warn("[TopMailRu] Error#1.1", wc) } xa = r + "/" + q; r = Mb; r = null !== r ? r : sc(); q = vb(); a.start = Lb(); b = b + "?_=" + Math.random() + (e ? ";id=" + escape(e) : "") + (h ? ";u=" + escape(h) : "") + (g ? ";r=" + escape(g) : "") + (a.start ? ";st=" + escape(a.start) : "") + ("gender"in a ? ";gender=" + escape(a.gender) : "") + ("age"in a ? ";age=" + escape(a.age) : "") + ("pid"in a ? ";pid=" + escape(a.pid) : "") + (void 0 !== Ka ? ";userid=" + escape(Ka) : "") + (void 0 !== m ? ";uparams=" + escape(wa(m)) : "") + (d && l ? ";title=" + encodeURIComponent(l) : "") + (eb ? ";s=" + eb.width + "*" + eb.height : "") + ";vp="; e = d = 0; k.documentElement && (k.documentElement.clientWidth || k.documentElement.clientHeight) ? (d = k.documentElement.clientWidth, e = k.documentElement.clientHeight) : "number" == typeof f.innerWidth && (d = f.innerWidth, e = f.innerHeight); b = b + ("" + d + "*" + e) + ";touch=" + xc + ";hds=" + yc + ";sid=" + fb + ";ver=" + zc + ";tz=" + encodeURIComponent(xa); if (c) { if (!W || !gb) c = ""; else { c = []; c.push(gb.type); c.push(gb.redirectCount); c.push(Na); for (d = 0; d < Nb.length; d++) c.push(tc(Nb[d])); c = c.join("/") } c = ";nt=" + c } else c = ""; c = b + c + (q ? ";ct=" + q : "") + (Oa ? ";gl=" + Oa : "") + ("device"in a ? ";device=" + escape(a.device) : "") + ";ni="; if (!D || !D.connection) b = ""; else { b = D.connection; d = []; for (h = 0; h < Ob.length; h++) { e = b[Ob[h]]; if (void 0 !== e) switch (e) { case !0: e = 1; break; case !1: e = 0; break; default: e = ("" + e).replace(/\//g, "_") } d.push(e) } b = d.join("/") } return c + b + ("params"in a ? ";params=" + escape(wa(a.params)) : "") + (null !== n ? ";detect=" + n : "") + (la || oa ? ";lvid=" + escape([ya, w(), F, ca].join(":")) : "") + (A ? ";opts=" + escape(A) : "") + (r ? ";flocid=" + escape(r.id) + ";flocv=" + escape(r.version) : "") + ("version"in a ? ";appver=" + escape(a.version) : "") + (da.support ? ";visible=" + da.getValue() : "") + ";js=13" } ```



Конфигурация (Configuration):

Используемые фильтры (Used filters):

Screenshot(s) ![image](https://github.com/easylist/ruadlist/assets/63477090/a586a32c-72c6-40a3-868e-e4286aff81de)
dimisa-RUAdList commented 10 months ago

Ок: https://github.com/easylist/ruadlist/commit/99b6d362431fcb3014cdab065b6a333cab00f4af