easymotion / vim-easymotion

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possible to define a deliminater? #349

Closed justinyhuang closed 6 years ago

justinyhuang commented 7 years ago

it seems to me that easymotion tries to identify the jump locations by word, and it makes it hard to jump to the second 'N' in 'THIS_IS_A_NORMALNAME'. one thought would be to allow define the deliminaters, so that in the case above we can add '' to the deliminater list and make the jump to the beginning of 'NAME' easier. if there is already such a feature please ignore... #

ELLIOTTCABLE commented 6 years ago

Take a look at :help iskeyword and then :help <Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-w) — you want to map one of the -iskeyword- versions, basically.

That said, I have a similar problem, because I much prefer the in-line mappings; and there is no easymotion-iskeyword-wl. @aya14busa?

Edit: Ah, scratch that, I just noticed this line in the documentation:

NOTE: Within line motions are compatible with |iskeyword| by default.

The naming seems a bit inconsistent, then, but I'll take it!

haya14busa commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the late response and thank you for your answer. I think it's closable. please reopen if not.

justinyhuang commented 6 years ago

thanks for all your help! it works for me now.