I'd also like to squash merge this, since we don't need the commit history on master, and I'm fine keeping this branch on my remote.
Paste this into a .vim file and run it:
function! s:MakeTuple(x, ...)
return [a:x, a:x]
function! s:MakeTestTargets(n)
return map(range(a:n), function('s:MakeTuple'))
function! s:GetChildrenCountsForKeys(n_keys, targets_rem)
" returns a list corresponding to s:jump_tokens; each
" count represents how many hits are in the subtree
" rooted at the corresponding jump token
let counts = repeat([0], a:n_keys)
let targets_rem = a:targets_rem
let is_first_lvl = 1
while targets_rem > 0
" if we can't fit all the hits in the first lvl,
" fit the remainder starting from the last jump token
let n_children = is_first_lvl
\ ? 1
\ : a:n_keys - 1
for j in range(a:n_keys)
let counts[j] += n_children
let targets_rem -= n_children
if targets_rem <= 0
let counts[j] += targets_rem
let is_first_lvl = 0
return reverse(counts)
" -- Single-key/closest target priority tree {{{
function! s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(targets, keys)
" returns a tree where non-leaf nodes are keys and leaves are targets, which
" are tuples [lineno, colno].
" each level of the tree is filled such that the average path depth of the tree
" is minimized and the closest targets come first.
let tree = {}
" i: index into targets
" j: index into keys
let i = 0
let j = 0
for key_count in s:GetChildrenCountsForKeys(len(a:keys), len(a:targets))
let node = a:keys[j]
if key_count == 1
let tree[node] = a:targets[i]
elseif key_count > 1
let tree[node] = s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(a:targets[i:i + key_count - 1], a:keys)
let j += 1
let i += key_count
return tree
let g:EasyMotion_keys = 'abcd'
echom string(s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(s:MakeTestTargets(3), split(g:EasyMotion_keys, '\zs')))
echom string(s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(s:MakeTestTargets(4), split(g:EasyMotion_keys, '\zs')))
echom string(s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(s:MakeTestTargets(5), split(g:EasyMotion_keys, '\zs')))
echom string(s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(s:MakeTestTargets(6), split(g:EasyMotion_keys, '\zs')))
echom string(s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(s:MakeTestTargets(7), split(g:EasyMotion_keys, '\zs')))
echom string(s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(s:MakeTestTargets(8), split(g:EasyMotion_keys, '\zs')))
echom string(s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(s:MakeTestTargets(18), split(g:EasyMotion_keys, '\zs')))
Closes #358; see that issue for motivation.
I'd also like to squash merge this, since we don't need the commit history on
, and I'm fine keeping this branch on my remote.Testing
Paste this into a
file and run it:Output (prettified):
which we know is correct.
I also installed the plugin from my branch
and verified everything still worked.