easymotion / vim-easymotion

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Can I get a list of troubleshooting steps? VIM 8.2 on Win10 easymotion is not working. #479

Open lundeen-bryan opened 2 years ago

lundeen-bryan commented 2 years ago

I've been using easymotion on this computer and my work computer for several years, but on my home PC I reinstalled Win10 and can't get easymotion working. In Win10 os, setup git bash. Everything is working fine in vim but can't get the easymotion plugin to work. Other plugins work such as nerdtree but not easymotion. Can you post some steps I can go through to troubleshoot why?

Confirmed that easymotion is in my plugins folder. I use vim 8.2 (in the git bash prompt not gvim) and the instructions at the following website to install plugins: https://coolaj86.com/articles/vim-8-plugins/

Other plugins such as nerdtree are confirmed as working.

Things I've tried: Ensured that my leader key is a comma using "let mapleader=','" Ensured no other commands are activated with w

I'm sorry I really don't know what else to try. I've searched the internet on google and stack overflow and reddit for solutions and normally I'm pretty good at finding answers but most solutions ask to map "w (easymotion-w)" for example. I've tried several other combinations of including remapping leader to backslash.

timsu92 commented 2 years ago

Maybe you need to post how you installed it, what are the configs in vimrc... or so, so that people can better understand things happening.