Open beakman opened 1 year ago
When is this ready?
Hello @vinumweb! I updated this template. Maybe you can checkout my branch and provide some feedback.
Hey @beakman can you add me on discord? I have some problems with the template. @vinumzz on discord
I tried doesn't work for me also
Hey @NoahPerez. I got it working by using this guide: So you want to use the guide and do not use the nextjs built in storefront. Then you want to put the contents of the folder you just created with the guide on github. Then on easypanel, make a app service and put the details for the github repo with the medusa-create-app contents. The just deploy the app with the correct environment variables from the local project and you are good to go! Lmk. if you have any problems
thanks for the quick reply @vinumweb
I'm not sure what you mean about "put the contents of the folder". I got the project locally without the front-end. I push the project to my GitHub and connect it to my repo in Easypanel . I choose Nixpacks for deployment and the .env in Easypanel
I'm missing something ?
Hey @NoahPerez . So when locally following the tutorial linked, you should get a working medusa backend + admin dashboard that you can login to and create products on. All that code is in a folder that got created in the directory you choose when running the command. Put that directory on github and make a app service in easypanel ass you did. My env has this content:
DATABASE_TYPE=postgres DATABASE_URL=postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@URL/DBNAME MEDUSA_ADMIN_ONBOARDING_TYPE=default STORE_CORS=http://localhost:8000,http://localhost:7001 JWT_SECRET=somesecrethere COOKIE_SECRET=somesecrethere NODE_ENV=production NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false
Now in the domain tab you can just make a domain pointing to port 80 and go to that url and add /app at the end. Then you should have a working medusajs backend in easypanel.
thanks again ! I'm getting this error, did you also got this error?
`> cross-env medusa-admin build
║ ║
║ Medusa collects anonymous usage analytics ║
║ to help improve Medusa for all users. ║
║ ║
║ If you'd like to opt-out, you can use medusa telemetry --disable
║ ║
║ ║
{"level":"info","message":"Connection to Redis established","timestamp":"2024-01-25 14:22:40"}
{"activity_id":"01HN0G0R6716JX7PKF340APWBQ","config":{},"level":"info","message":"Initializing models\n","timestamp":"2024-01-25 14:22:40"}
{"activity_id":"01HN0G0R6716JX7PKF340APWBQ","duration":37,"level":"info","message":"Models initialized","timestamp":"2024-01-25 14:22:40"}
{"activity_id":"01HN0G0R7DC6QMZCTBX32GPG80","config":{},"level":"info","message":"Initializing plugin models\n","timestamp":"2024-01-25 14:22:40"}
{"activity_id":"01HN0G0R7DC6QMZCTBX32GPG80","duration":84,"level":"info","message":"Plugin models initialized","timestamp":"2024-01-25 14:22:40"}
{"activity_id":"01HN0G0RA26Z4PHJM4G0X6HWFN","config":{},"level":"info","message":"Initializing strategies\n","timestamp":"2024-01-25 14:22:40"}
{"activity_id":"01HN0G0RA26Z4PHJM4G0X6HWFN","duration":31,"level":"info","message":"Strategies initialized","timestamp":"2024-01-25 14:22:40"}
{"activity_id":"01HN0G0RDKB7393RY75B33KYTJ","config":{},"level":"info","message":"Initializing database\n","timestamp":"2024-01-25 14:22:40"}
{"level":"error","message":"Error starting server","stack":[{"columnNumber":15,"fileName":"/app/node_modules/@medusajs/utils/dist/common/handle-postgres-database-error.js","functionName":"handlePostgresDatabaseError","lineNumber":26,"methodName":null,"native":false,"typeName":null},{"columnNumber":5,"fileName":"node:internal/process/task_queues","functionName":"process.processTicksAndRejections","lineNumber":95,"methodName":"processTicksAndRejections","native":false,"typeName":"process"}],"timestamp":"2024-01-25 14:22:40"}
npm WARN config production Use --omit=dev
medusa-starter-default@0.0.1 start cross-env npm run build && medusa start
npm WARN config production Use --omit=dev
medusa-starter-default@0.0.1 build cross-env npm run clean && npm run build:server && npm run build:admin
npm WARN config production Use --omit=dev
medusa-starter-default@0.0.1 clean cross-env ./node_modules/.bin/rimraf dist
npm WARN config production Use --omit=dev
medusa-starter-default@0.0.1 build:server cross-env npm run clean && tsc -p tsconfig.server.json
npm WARN config production Use --omit=dev
medusa-starter-default@0.0.1 clean cross-env ./node_modules/.bin/rimraf dist
npm WARN config production Use --omit=dev
medusa-starter-default@0.0.1 build:admin cross-env medusa-admin build`
@NoahPerez Try updating the package.json with this start script: "npm run build && medusa migrations run && medusa start" instead of "cross-env npm run clean && npm run build:server && npm run build:admin" Lmk. how it goes!
thank you again! @vinumweb could you share your "scripts" ?
"scripts": { "start script": "npm run build && medusa migrations run && medusa start", "start": "cross-env npm run build && medusa start", "build": "cross-env npm run clean && npm run build:server && npm run build:admin", "clean": "cross-env ./node_modules/.bin/rimraf dist", "build:server": "cross-env npm run clean && tsc -p tsconfig.server.json", "build:admin": "cross-env medusa-admin build", "watch": "cross-env tsc --watch", "test": "cross-env jest", "seed": "cross-env medusa seed -f ./data/seed.json", "start:custom": "cross-env npm run build && node --preserve-symlinks --trace-warnings index.js", "dev": "cross-env npm run build:server && medusa develop" },
Of course @NoahPerez ! This is my scripts:
"scripts": { "clean": "cross-env ./node_modules/.bin/rimraf dist", "build": "cross-env npm run clean && npm run build:server && npm run build:admin", "build:server": "cross-env npm run clean && tsc -p tsconfig.server.json", "build:admin": "cross-env medusa-admin build", "watch": "cross-env tsc --watch", "test": "cross-env jest", "seed": "cross-env medusa seed -f ./data/seed.json", "start": "npm run build && medusa migrations run && medusa start", "start:custom": "cross-env npm run build && node --preserve-symlinks --trace-warnings index.js", "dev": "cross-env npm run build:server && medusa develop" },
still getting the same error... did you make any changes in your medusa-config.js file please share @vinumweb
I think i did yes! This is the whole file:
const dotenv = require("dotenv");
let ENV_FILE_NAME = ""; switch (process.env.NODE_ENV) { case "production": ENV_FILE_NAME = ".env.production"; break; case "staging": ENV_FILE_NAME = ".env.staging"; break; case "test": ENV_FILE_NAME = ".env.test"; break; case "development": default: ENV_FILE_NAME = ".env"; break; }
try { dotenv.config({ path: process.cwd() + "/" + ENV_FILE_NAME }); } catch (e) {}
// CORS when consuming Medusa from admin const ADMIN_CORS = process.env.ADMIN_CORS || "http://localhost:7000,http://localhost:7001";
// CORS to avoid issues when consuming Medusa from a client const STORE_CORS = process.env.STORE_CORS || "http://localhost:3000";
const DATABASE_URL = process.env.DATABASE_URL || "postgres://localhost/medusa-starter-default";
const REDIS_URL = process.env.REDIS_URL || "redis://localhost:6379";
const plugins = [
resolve: @medusajs/file-local
options: {
upload_dir: "uploads",
resolve: "@medusajs/admin",
/* @type {import('@medusajs/admin').PluginOptions} /
options: {
autoRebuild: true,
develop: {
open: process.env.OPEN_BROWSER !== "false",
const modules = { /eventBus: { resolve: "@medusajs/event-bus-redis", options: { redisUrl: REDIS_URL } }, cacheService: { resolve: "@medusajs/cache-redis", options: { redisUrl: REDIS_URL } },/ };
/* @type {import('@medusajs/medusa').ConfigModule["projectConfig"]} / const projectConfig = { jwtSecret: process.env.JWT_SECRET, cookieSecret: process.env.COOKIE_SECRET, store_cors: STORE_CORS, database_url: DATABASE_URL, admin_cors: ADMIN_CORS, // Uncomment the following lines to enable REDIS // redis_url: REDIS_URL };
/* @type {import('@medusajs/medusa').ConfigModule} / module.exports = { projectConfig, plugins, modules, };
thank you very much for your help @vinumweb at the end i found out i needed
"scripts": { "start script": "npm run build && medusa migrations run && medusa start", "start": "cross-env npm run build && medusa start", "build": "cross-env npm run clean && npm run build:server && npm run build:admin --omit=dev", this part also "clean": "cross-env ./node_modules/.bin/rimraf dist", "build:server": "cross-env npm run clean && tsc -p tsconfig.server.json", "build:admin": "cross-env medusa-admin build", "watch": "cross-env tsc --watch", "test": "cross-env jest", "seed": "cross-env medusa seed -f ./data/seed.json", "start:custom": "cross-env npm run build && node --preserve-symlinks --trace-warnings index.js", "dev": "cross-env npm run build:server && medusa develop" },
Ah okay! Does it work now? @NoahPerez
yeah it working now @vinumweb
Nice. Glad you got it working! @NoahPerez
@vinumweb Hello, lastest changes Easypanel i not able to add another medusa project, Are you u having the same issues ?
╔════════ Nixpacks v1.21.2 ═══════╗ ║ setup │ nodejs_18, npm-9_x ║ ║─────────────────────────────────║ ║ install │ npm i ║ ║─────────────────────────────────║ ║ build │ npm run build ║ ║─────────────────────────────────║ ║ start │ npm run start ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════╝
Saved output to: /etc/easypanel/projects/olga-shop-production/the-origin-shop-admin/code/
Hi @NoahPerez , I don't use Medusa anymore, so sadly I can't help you...
@vinumweb no worries i just fix it , what are you working on ?
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