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LOVE your work - #541

Open cloudpotions opened 1 month ago

cloudpotions commented 1 month ago

Hey there, container commanders! @deiucanta @siriokun @abuaboud @deiucanta @AgentGeek @

👋 Your work on EasyPanel is out of this world, but I've got some ideas that could make it even more stellar. Buckle up for a journey through the cosmos of container security and networking!

🛡️ Did you know EasyPanel's containers are unprivileged by default? That's awesome sauce for security! Let's shout it from the rooftops (or at least add it to the docs).

🕸️ Now, imagine if we could weave a web of isolated networks for each container, automatically! It'd be like giving each app its own private island in the vast ocean of the internet.

🔗 And here's the kicker: what if users could easily link these islands together right from the GUI? 'Does this container need a buddy?' Click, click, boom! Instant secure connections.

🎭 With Traefik as our traffic director, we could have a full-blown, secure, interconnected container paradise. It's like EasyPanel, but with superpowers!

Here's a script to give you a head start...

Full disclosure: While I'm not a developer, I do know my way around Docker and container orchestration. I've been exploring these concepts with the help of AI, and we've cooked up an interesting concept. It's untested, but I wanted to share the core idea with you. Here's a script that illustrates the concept:

import docker

client = docker.from_env()

def create_isolated_network(container_name): network_name = f"{container_name}_net" try: network = client.networks.create(network_name, driver="bridge", internal=True) print(f"Created isolated network: {network_name}") return network except docker.errors.APIError as e: print(f"Error creating network: {e}") return None

def connect_to_traefik(container, traefik_network): try: traefik_network.connect(container) print(f"Connected {container.name} to Traefik network") except docker.errors.APIError as e: print(f"Error connecting to Traefik network: {e}")

def setup_container_networking(container_name, dependencies=None): container = client.containers.get(container_name) isolated_network = create_isolated_network(container_name)

if isolated_network:

traefik_network = client.networks.get("traefik_net")
connect_to_traefik(container, traefik_network)

if dependencies:
    for dep in dependencies:
        dep_container = client.containers.get(dep)
        print(f"Connected dependent container {dep} to {container_name}'s network")

Example usage

setup_container_networking("my_app", dependencies=["my_db", "my_cache"])

Supernova3339 commented 1 month ago

For starters, please do not mention every contributor you possibly can.

If you have any suggestions, please let our team know @ https://feedback.easypanel.io

You may also get in contact with me directly via your issue. To make it easier for me, the Easypanel team, and our contributors, please do not use AI to write an issue for you. It’s messy, unprofessional, and doesn’t focus on what your trying to tell us.

For future notices, if you have feedback that is related to Easypanel itself and not templates specifically, we ask you to send them to us @ https://feedback.easypanel.io :)

cloudpotions commented 1 month ago

Hey @Supernova3339 , no apologies for the AI - it was just a tool to highlight my thoughts, not to input code. I get you're a programmer and have professional standards, but think outside the container for a sec (ha!). My idea about network isolation in EasyPanel is pretty brilliant and could be a game-changer for security and usability. You guys have done amazing work making container management easy and automated SSL flawless. I spent a lot of time trying to contribute positively here. Maybe I didn't follow the exact protocol or 'channel', but telling me not to give props to the dev team? - I think they deserve it, everyone loves a like. They (and you) absolutely deserve recognition. EasyPanel rocks, and I'm just excited to see it grow even more!

Supernova3339 commented 1 month ago

Hey @Supernova3339 , no apologies for the AI - it was just a tool to highlight my thoughts, not to input code. I get you're a programmer and have professional standards, but think outside the container for a sec (ha!). My idea about network isolation in EasyPanel is pretty brilliant and could be a game-changer for security and usability. You guys have done amazing work making container management easy and automated SSL flawless. I spent a lot of time trying to contribute positively here. Maybe I didn't follow the exact protocol or 'channel', but telling me not to give props to the dev team? - I think they deserve it, everyone loves a like. They (and you) absolutely deserve recognition. EasyPanel rocks, and I'm just excited to see it grow even more!

That is not what I meant at all, super sorry you think of it like that! Our development team does read these, however our community tends to implement template requests before them!

All I am asking is that you please stay on-topic to the repo and to post any off-topic suggestions to our feedback board, which can be found in the link below. https://feedback.easypanel.io

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

cloudpotions commented 1 month ago

@Supernova3339 okay great, I will be sure to do it there, thanks for pointing me in the right direction, J