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Setup public EasySOA Continuous Integration #104

Open mdutoo opened 12 years ago

mdutoo commented 12 years ago


Low priority for now since we've already got a private CI (but anyone's welcome to push it up). Alternatives : on dedicated VM, at a partner's (ex. Nuxeo).

rationalize Maven configuration

jcarsique commented 12 years ago

Do you want me to set the EasySOA continuous integration on http://qa.nuxeo.org/jenkins/ ? If so, please detail the wanted levels of CI (build, unit test, functional tests, QA) and the parts of code to be covered.

(:warning: note from my point of view, such task is very high priority starting from the first commit :wink: )

mdutoo commented 12 years ago

Note : don't panic, we already have continuous integration on EasySOA at Open Wide, just not on a public server, as alluded in wiki home :) People outside Open Wide (for now mainly Thierry, Christophe) receive emails when they break the build, but they can't see nor edit it in Jenkins.

Having CI build on a public server will be required at some point. If we use Nuxeo's (thanks for suggesting), could I (& EasySOA people) edit it ? would it have Sonar ?

jcarsique commented 12 years ago

No problem for authorizing EasySOA people to edit it and for setting Sonar. If your existing CI is also using Jenkins, setting up the EasySOA jobs will be very easy.

mdutoo commented 12 years ago

Well then OK for me ! We're going to provide our Jenkins settings on a wiki page before the end of the week.