forks an env, using an EnvironmentService extracted from refactoring EnvironmentActionsBean
replays an exchange record (of a web discovery) by calling (sync) ReplayEngine(Impl).replay()
(which has to be set up in a frascati sca app - see below, and its interface extracted in api)
renders the validation rest service towards a simple static html report, and put it in Nuxeo in the env with a name including the date
Set it up in Nuxeo's Quartz, make it configurable : scheduling pattern, name / path / ref / id of the env to refork, name / path / ref / id of the web discovery record to replay
Write a (ExchangeRecord) Servlet filter that :
after filtering calls a java FraSCAti Service in Nuxeo
on its method handleExchange(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
which has to be implemented on top of the Record / Template & assert generation mechanism
which has to be made pluggable using a ComposedExchangeHandler with a multiple "exchangeHandlers" Reference
(refactor the httpmonit proxy etc. if required)
setup a dedicated frascati sca & maven app "webdiscoveryhttpminer" that assembles & provides ExchangeRecordServletFilter & ReplayEngineImpl
the current run manager has to be improved to allow to create (= name), start & stop runs through a user-friendly GUI
Start this as EasySOA FraSCAti SCA app :
Build on : deployment api, deployable model prototype, f in n ; to allow : prototype of EasySOA-managed server / model / api (& fstudio integration api), "easysoa by easysoa".
While doing the following, try to keep apis in an api project & decoupled from nuxeo (ex. EnvironmentManager), and if impossible to underline why. This way it'll be more interesting vs integrating FStudio, Talend etc.
Write a Quartz job that :
Write a (ExchangeRecord) Servlet filter that :
Start this as EasySOA FraSCAti SCA app :
Build on : deployment api, deployable model prototype, f in n ; to allow : prototype of EasySOA-managed server / model / api (& fstudio integration api), "easysoa by easysoa".
While doing the following, try to keep apis in an api project & decoupled from nuxeo (ex. EnvironmentManager), and if impossible to underline why. This way it'll be more interesting vs integrating FStudio, Talend etc.
Complete AppImpl model :
Write a new EasySOA(or EmbeddedFraSCAti)AppImplManager nuxeo service whose deployAndStart() :
Write a new EnvironmentManager nuxeo service that hooks on onNuxeoStart event to :