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Allow for third-party reuse of Nuxeo authentication system #115

Open mkalam-alami opened 12 years ago

mkalam-alami commented 12 years ago

Given the Nuxeo capabilities, the possibilities are:

mkalam-alami commented 12 years ago

Node.js + OAuth authentication

A minimal working example is available here.

tiry commented 12 years ago

You should have a look at portal_sso.

This is a plugin that is designed to have an external application (like a portal) calling Nuxeo on the behalf of a user. This is based on a shared secret between the 2 apps, but on Nuxeo side the code is executed under the security context of the remote interactive user. Of course, this requires all application to share the same user database/LDAP.

Is that what you are looking for ?


mkalam-alami commented 12 years ago

Yes this could fit our needs too, thanks for the info.

tiry commented 12 years ago

Just ping me if you need help. This portal_sso system is already integrated in Nuxeo Automation Client java lib : so this should be completly transparent if remote apps calling Nuxeo uses Automation.

Of course, OAuth is also an option, but it requires a little bit more work.