A first adapter prototype is under development and deployment :
iteration IT1 : May 17 to July 13 : calculation of BAM indicators for service monitoring need to develop an adapter, able to periodically read monitoring data from the JASMINe layer, and take account of SLA data managed in the EasySOA core model.
Two ways for developing this adpater have been considered :
read from the JASMINe monitoring database
or rule-driven using Drools embedded into JASMINe architecture
This prototype is based on the first mechanism : the adapter reads data for a given time period (start/end) from the JASMINe monitoring database and is launched according to a specific scheduling.
A first adapter prototype is under development and deployment :
Two ways for developing this adpater have been considered :
This prototype is based on the first mechanism : the adapter reads data for a given time period (start/end) from the JASMINe monitoring database and is launched according to a specific scheduling.