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Aggregated indicators & history #126

Open mdutoo opened 11 years ago

mdutoo commented 11 years ago

We'd need to provide a list of indicators aggregated across the SOA model, such as :

What's the best way to do it (simplest & most scalable) ? Some ideas :

Also, how to keep track of the history of those indicators, in order to display them as graphs ? Merely a dedicated database with the hitoricized values of those indicators ? (up to Talend ETL-filling it and going to OLAP...)

UPDATE following tdelprat's answer :

mdutoo commented 11 years ago

tdelprat answer :

The BIRT option seems pretty overkill to me, at least for just counters. So, I think there are mainly 2 approaches :

1 - do it in NXQL There is no count support in NXQL, but you can simply use CoreSession.queryAndFetch that can return just the UUIDs and not all the documents. As long as you don't have millions of items, this will work without problem.

2 - pre-compute An other approach is to pre-compute this number and store it in a facet on the documents. We have an addons that does similar things :

These are 2 default contributions to the nuxeo-quota service : https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo-quota

About keeping indicator history : you may want to use the Audit log for that...