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WebResourceDownloadService #132

Open mdutoo opened 11 years ago

mdutoo commented 11 years ago

Define in FraSCAti / JAXRS a WebResourceDownloadService.get(url)

Write a RoutingWebResourceDownloadServiceImpl implementation that calls successively all WebResourceDownloadServices injected in its "delegates" properties until one returns a non-null answer

Write a UrlPatternWebResourceDownloadServiceImpl that only downloads and returns the file if the URL matches the regex pattern provided in its property "urlPattern"

Instanciate it in FraSCAti Studio in its own composite (so that it can easily be instanciated in ex. HTTPProxy or F in N), the first only once - and provide and plug it in loadWsdl() and compile(), the second with the following instances plugged in the first one:

LATER study

or possibly using IntentWeaver (??) see http://websvn.ow2.org/filedetails.php?repname=frascati&path=%2Ftrunk%2Ffrascati%2Fintents%2Fuml-sequence-diagram%2Fsrc%2Fmain%2Fjava%2Forg%2Fow2%2Ffrascati%2Fintent%2Flib%2FIntentHandlerWeaver.java