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Detect when HttpProxyImpl proxies itself #24

Closed mkalam-alami closed 12 years ago

mkalam-alami commented 13 years ago

Report by mdutoo

In order to ease proxying CXF services (including served by FraSCAti composites implementation.java + binding.ws) that are deployed in the same JVM. Uses cases include tests, but also EasySOA Light Studio and other multi-application FraSCAti architectures.

I guess this could be done using FScript.

UPDATE by mdutoo:

And for that we need to know the port FraSCAti deploys it on.

Pmerle's answer : on short term, put a property with said info on the component. In a second time, he'll have a look into a binding introspection function.

UPDATE by mdutoo:

related code : https://github.com/easysoa/esper-frascati-poc/tree/master/src/main/resources/httpProxy.composite and https://github.com/JGuillemotte/esper-frascati-poc/tree/master/src/main/java/com/openwide/easysoa/esperpoc/HttpProxyImpl.java

JGuillemotte commented 12 years ago

Done using an additional SCA property as pmerle suggests in HttpDiscoveryProxy.infiniteLoopDetection() for now.