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HTTP Proxy setup does not work when also using a JAXWS client in parallel #25

Open mkalam-alami opened 13 years ago

mkalam-alami commented 13 years ago

Report by mdutoo

This is demonstrated in GalaxyDemoTestStarter.testWithJaxwsClient(). The test runs, but no service notification is sent to Nuxeo when using a JAXWS client, the reason being probably that this triggers an override of the CXF / Spring configuration used in FraSCAti. The other test methods show that when not using a JAXWS client, the HTTP monitoring proxy works and sends the right service notifications to Nuxeo.

TODO mock Nuxeo or NuxeoRegistrationService to improve the tests by "expecting" notifications to be sent

TODO solve it with the help of INRIA (FraSCAti, CXF), Talend (CXF)...

UPDATE by jguillemotte:

Until we have mocked up NuxeoRegistrationService, this problem can be tested by visually ensuring that in GalaxyDemoTestStarter.testWithJaxwsClient() HttpProxyimpl does not output logs, while in GalaxyDemoTestStarter.testWithScaLocalClient() it rightfully does (i.e. proxy settings work).

UPDATE by jguillemotte:

Reported on FraSCAti Jira at http://jira.ow2.org/browse/FRASCATI-59

mdutoo commented 11 years ago

Since commit http://svn.forge.ow2.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/frascati/?rev=5734&view=rev , FraSCAti now uses the CXF default bus for initializing CXF features instead of passing a null reference. This may solve our problem here, it should be tried again.