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Put advanced binding configuration (CXF, Jetty) more in composites #27

Open mdutoo opened 13 years ago

mdutoo commented 13 years ago

("anonymous bindings")

rather than in a global config file (ex. cxf-config.xml , which could do it but then would be a mirror of .composite files), to allow different configuration on each service.

long term issue

Example : configure the timeout or the HTTP proxy to be used by a given binding.ws on client side, or much farther configure a specific interceptor chain.

Example of what is not possible today (?) : start two implementations of the same service on different URLs, and

Solution ideas :

20120615 update on requirements

() see a list of monitored fields : https://github.com/easysoa/EasySOA/wiki/Final-monitoring-design/ (*) allows to replay request with assertions on response, replay templatized exchanges, generate simulations the same way : http://www.easysoa.org/2012/05/easysoa-http-mining-feature/

Some of these Proxy ideas are also listed at https://github.com/easysoa/EasySOA/wiki/Easysoa-proxy-use-cases

20120822 how it will be used


philippemerle commented 12 years ago

Added a prototype to configure intents on SCA bindings. Have a look at http://websvn.ow2.org/listing.php?repname=frascati&path=%2Ftrunk%2Ffrascati%2Fintents%2Fapache-cxf%2F

This provides a first implementation of SCA intents for Apache-CXF-based SCA bindings. Five intents are provided:

mdutoo commented 12 years ago

Nice, this should do the trick, we'll try at least using ProxyServer and write our own Monitoring intent once 0.4 is out.