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List the different kinds of proxy & their use cases #33

Open mdutoo opened 13 years ago

mdutoo commented 13 years ago

See output at https://github.com/easysoa/EasySOA/wiki/Easysoa-proxy-use-cases .

On the basis of what's been done or prototyped up to now.

The output will be used as requirements for the upcoming FraSCAti Studio / Proxy Factory, which will have to support generation of these kind of proxies (at least their use in SCA, and also their SCA configuration and possibly java code save if the proxy is generic enough).

To be done for : SLA / Fuse (OK), WSDL-generated form, simple templatized form (using XSL, velocity, mustache.js, code, Talend job...), composed templatized form including 2-tier (presentation template and data structure template) and workflow form (multi screen & muti user), Rest to Soap, HTTP Monitoring / recording, caching (HTTP caching, server-side caching) (add missing ones)

TODO patch consumes / provides according to the concept of proxy, proxies use by composed proxy TODO also list related or alternative proxies, prospective proxies (message to object and vice versa / binding.http, Light / scripted, other Light ex. Light / content automation, jasmine and other monitoring rearchitecture), prospective features (Light, monitoring, alarms), prospective non-functional (async, event)

Info to provide :

proxy impl name

what it does

consumes, provides

how (technology, limitations)

what has to be generated (beyond use : configuration, code)

features it is useful for

test / demo


wiki / readme

Ex :


what it does

blocks incoming calls when there are too much within a timeframe

consumes, provides

global protection layer that has to be used by EasySOA Light (i.e. "mashupped") services before calling existing services

test / demo

PureAirFlowers : samples/easysoa-samples-pureairflowers/easysoa-samples-paf-restsoapproxy/src/main/resources/RestSoapProxy_withIntents.composite



wiki / readme

https://github.com/easysoa/easysoa-model-demo/wiki/EasySOA-Light https://github.com/easysoa/easysoa-model-demo/wiki/Demo-v0.1-Doc