Open mdutoo opened 12 years ago
A new project has been added in easysoa-registry-api : easysoa-registry-api-messaging. This project regroups classes build exchanges records and to store them.
A web interface has been added in the httpDiscoveryProxy to store, load, replay ... one or several exchanges records.
See for common Messaging API. See for replay package. Services are exposed throught a web UI.
A first template system has been added to generate a user html form from an recorded exchange. This template system is based on Velocity template and use fld files to describe fields to display, fields types and default values. See to have more information about the template system.
At the moment, the template system use it's own interface, available at http://localhost:8090/runManager/. With this interface, it is possible to : start a run, stop a run, delete a run, get the list of recorded exchangeRecordStore (An exchangeRecord store is a recorded run) and replay one or several exchange records.
Next step is to use this template system with the scaffolder proxy.
1 - Store and replay
Store HTTP exchanges using monit's Message API, then use it for simple replay and simulation :
OK HTTPMonit / Servlet : forward(Message), discoverService(Message), record(Message), monit(Message, conf) LATER ArchivedExchangeImporter.import(HAR) LATER WS/RSMonit / CXF : discoverService(), record(), monit() on Message ; AND / OR on Object ?, store(decoratedMessage)
2 - RunDriver
Allow it to be used in the release through the RunDriver by adding a replay/rerun() (and load() & list() if required)
3 - TemplateService
Develop a TemplateService on FraSCAti providing one operation per template.
As of 20120106 it's been done with a TemplateDefinition consisting of field definitions : { name, type, defaultValue, fieldSetterInfo }, allowing to make a template out of a record's request by using fieldSetterInfos to set this request's fields (within path, headers or content of various formats) to user values, see ExchangeServiceImpl.replayWithTemplate().
4 - Template Builder & Suggester
Separate it in different parts : field suggestion, template building, template use.
Template Suggester
A TemplateFieldSuggester works on anything (a request or record, a whole record store, a service definition...) to suggest fields that would be interesting to make template variables of. Therefore its output is similar to the one of the first TemplateService above.
Template Builder
The TemplateBuilder applies a selection of TemplateFieldSuggestions on a record (request) and uses their fieldSetterInfos to replace those fields' values by template variables (ex. in velocity : $myFieldName), and saves the result in a different record. Note that the TemplateBuilder can therefore be used (or tested) with hand-defined TemplateFieldSuggestions. OLD ExchangeTemplateDefinition : { field : { variableName, originalValue, userLabel=variableName, possibly type }, templatizedExchangeRequest } where templatizedExchangeRequest is an exchange in json format where some parts (fields) have been replaced by a velocity reference to a defined field.
Template Renderer
The TemplateRenderer's idea is to execute a record (request) template by loading its record and rendering it in the chosen template engine, with template variables set to user provided values first, doing the corresponding request call and returning its result. Note that the TemplateRenderer can therefore be used (or tested) with hand-defined exchange (request) templates. OLD The TemplateService sends the json request (loaded as json from the ExchangeStore) rendered by velocity using field values provided in the user request.
The TemplateRenderer works thanks to FraSCAti's implementation.velocity, which allows for a Servlet interface but also for any Java custom interface (see example) thanks to (ProxyImplementationVelocity). ProxyImplementationVelocity puts the SCA props and references in the velocityContext, then calls the velocimacro having the same name as the call method, on the template (see exemple) also with the same name (or the default one if not found). Here we use a custom ExchangeTemplateItf interface having a renderRequest(path, reqArgs...), and a hacked ProxyImplementationVelocity (for now copied & changed here, LATER to be contributed to FraSCAti) using rather the nth call argument as the template path where n is the value of a dedicated pathArgIndex SCA property. The request call part can also usefully be externalized in a TemplateExecutor, and theTemplateRenderer therefore be a mere binding.http providing velocity on top of stored, built template records. Ex. template :
On the reponse side, first provide in the same way a template rendering the original response (could be to HTML for replay from the scaffolder, or to JSON or XML in service simulation cases), LATER add a handler that requires less coding (ex. extraction of fields from suggested pathes). Ex :
macro ( renderRes $path $outHeadersAndContentInJavaModelOrJsonOr $outHeaders $outContent $othersExPerfs )
Improve ease of use by : reset "size" (and make sure it is recomputed when loaded or at worst replayed), LATER handle json or XML providing libs (will solve the inner quote escaping pb), remove null or empty fields in default storage and (EXCEPT interesting ones like headers) when building a template that has to be modifiable by a developer...
5 - Template as SOAP
Develop a component that uses it to provide web services that are a "business" version of a templateRecord's templates. This could be done either in REST ex. instead of having to do GET /template/meteoLille1details { fields:{ name:"id", value:2 }, do GET /meteoLille1/details { id:2 }, and provides the corresponding service definition ; or in WSDL ex. MyTemplateRecordService.templateName(field names and values). First do it for WSDL by copying FraSCAti's ServletImplementationVelocity locally and hacking it to provide, thanks to the above developed TemplateDefinitionService and TemplateExecutor :
Then provide it to INRIA as basis of a (possibly new implementation) contribution & for patches, improvements and feedback on how to develop such things ("meta" service, "proxy" implementation... all also ex. for providing Nuxeo Content Automation as SOAP) for FraSCAti.
OLD On ?wsdl request, it generates a WSDL where input params are said fields, and originalValues are default values. Evaluate whether to do that in a mere binding.http Servlet, or in CXF (ex. with a custom Invoker), or more in FraSCAti (one on-demand proxy for each template and generated code for extraction and routing to them ?), or (YES) first as hacks in frascati-velocity.
LATER Make it easily usable from the ScaffolderService, notably by initializing its form fields using WSDL default values. LATER do the same for the response, by applying the right content model (json, xml, HTTP...) & expression for each output field to be extracted and returned. LATER do it all for REST / json exchanges.
6 - Flexible content (& query, path) modeling - supporting XML & JSON content fields
whatever the request content i.e. query / path / xml or json content, using more languages
7 - Assertions
Assertions are about to check a replay's response using the originally recorded response. They can return a status (OK, MAYBE, KO), a metric of validity (mostly if MAYBE), possibly a model or UI of delta, and additional logs. (TODO or maybe separate metrics from assertions, and let these reference those applicable when in MAYBE ?)
They are developed each in its own class, and configured and run in an AssertionEngine, which can be plugged in #72 Validation / sanity check, or possibly in unit testing (ex. on Java development platforms). Here are a few ideas of assertions :
Those are all string-based assertions.
LATER An alternative is Model-based assertions. They require a service definition, such as FraSCAti requires / provides or templatized requests provide. They allow coded assertions i.e. classical unit tests.
Just as for templates, assertions can be suggested automatically by an AssertionSuggestionService, or submitted to user's approval. Suggestions are stored in .asr JSON files. NB. fieldequality assertions could also be stored as references to fields define in .fld files, or fully in .fld files as mere booleans enabling equality assertion for each field ; this will have to be decided when we'll make a difference between suggested fields and approved fields (belonging to a template, or even tagging semantically the service). Here are a few ideas of assertion suggestions :
Finally, with the appropriate UI(s), the user can help define assertions, by :
TODO in a first time, stringequality assertion as a boolean marker for each field in .fld files (LATER with other assertions in .asr files, maybe mutualize field definition), handling of response content hardcoded for JSON (LATER also XML and pluggable), output in "test report" logs (LATER LogEngine) telling about those & Levenshtein distance. Then fieldequality based on the same field definitions (.fld) as replay & template as soap (i.e. output by the same test).
DONE AssertionEngineImpl, AssertionSuggestionService suggesting AssertionSuggestions on whole response (equality, LCS, Levenshtein BUT both too long because in O(nm)) or Message (MessageAssertion : status, mimetype, encoding) to .asr files. Simple LogEngine.
TODO make result objects model serializable in a simple manner to text or xml. LATER enrich Sonar (& Jenkins first if required ?) with a plugin aggregating those, similar to ex. JMeter's : see image of HTML version or xml report in this page, and image of Sonar aggregated results in this page.
TODO study alternatives to also have JSON / XML & possibly object versions of content, or why not also to have fine model of content type : HashMap(propertyPath_format,finer model) in Message OR in a wrapping MessageHandler object, phased handling to build those models (deserialize) or back (serialize) à la CXF OR hardcoded, take advantage of CXF and extend it or from scratch (depends if same goal & used for same things or not)...
8 - Simulation
A simulation is a server that, for a given request, provides a given response according to simulation data. We'll focus on the case where simulation data is an exchange record store, or anything extracted manually or automatically (suggestion, just as templates and asserts) out of it.
The idea is that the returned response is rendered from a response template filled with known fields found in the request, and that the appropriate response template is chosen among others within a response template store / simulation store by comparing recorded values of known fields of the request related to the template response for each simulation store entry. Just as for templates and asserts, "interesting" fields can be automatically suggested using a correlation algorithm such as the previous request-response correlation one.
(**) for each field in simulExchangeFields : if extractField(res, field.path) == field.value then return field else continue
(*) for each field in simulExchangeFields { if extractField(res, field.path) == field.value then continue else return null; } return simulExchangeFields
More interesting algo for (*) : correlatedFields = new list(); for each field in simulExchangeFields ordered by correlLevel decr { if extractField(res, field.path) == field.value then correlatedFields.add(field) else break; } return correlatedFields;
9 - Further
This is about related stuff that will be done elsewhere, and old specifications where some ideas are still left.
Allow to choose fields using : expression languages (allow to edit the current expression, whatever the request content i.e. query / path / xml or json content, using more languages), "tag / marker" value fed through the client business application, LATER (inferred) definition.
Support HAR import.
LATER Do it within CXF ?
then improve it according to the following further uses and prototype them :
DefinitionInferrer : inferDefinition(restMessages)
All components below rely on message contents (req, res, other ex. timings) having a model able to load & parse them and address (get/set) primitive value elements within. This model can rely on the (possibly inferred) definition, but not necessarily (ex. in req/res body, xpath or jsonpath is enough). Definition is mostly useful for working WITHOUT sample messages (by allowing to generate some, like SOAPUI does ; or to select an element / field).
The best client is always the actual client application. By listening to its exchanges, it allows to input service parameters, but also select a field by inputting a well known value.
ImplicitCorrelator : correlate(Messages, env, conf{ valuesToLookFor }) return correlatedFields Correlations : reqResCorrelation, envCorrelation (IP / host), conf(ex. userInputValue)Correlation, (, apiCodeCorrelation) Decorator : decorate(Messages, correlatedIdentifyingFields, correlatedSegmentingFields) Asserts : (schemaAssert, ) correlatedFieldAssert, contains/regexpAssert, templateAssert, (codeAssert,) slaAssert Templatizer : (re)templatize(Messages, correlator : correlatedIdFields, variables : someCorrelatedFields, asserts : someOtherCorrelatedFields) TemplateEditor : setEditable/load/edit/save(reqOrResTpl)
ReplayTemplatizer : many templatize() TemplatizedExchangeStore : store(PlayableMessages) ExchangeReplayClient.replay(one PlayableMessage { reqTpl, correlationsBesidesReqRes, asserts }, env(, userOrConfParams)), .start(DefinitionFieldChooser, CorrelationFieldChooser)
SimulationTemplatizer : many templatize() ExchangeSimulator.start(set of PlayableMessage { correlator, resTpl, variableCorrelationsBesidesUserInput }, env(, confParams) ), .start(DefinitionFieldChooser, CorrelationFieldChooser) ExchangeReplayClientStore, ExchangeSimulatorStore ?