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Todo list to build the release with Nuxeo-Frascati integration #76

Open JGuillemotte opened 12 years ago

JGuillemotte commented 12 years ago

Build a Release with Nuxeo-frascati integration :

1) Make the release (buildr packageall...etc)

2) add the following libs in the following folders easysoa/frascati/lib AND easysoa/serviceRegistry/lib :

frascati-implementation-velocity-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar (Warning -- must be the last version of the library otherwise classNotFound problem) frascati-introspection-impl-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar frascati-web-explorer-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar frascati-web-explorer-bootstrap-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar commons-fileupload-1.2.2.jar commons-io-2.1.jar (Required by web explorer at runtime : load a SCA composite in JAR)

For the 2 commons libs, think the reason why they are missing is because previously, they were provided by Nuxeo. Now, due to OSGI isolation, these libs are not available and must be added in the FraSCAti lib collection. Maybe a good soultion will be to add these libraries (at least commons-fileupload-1.2.2.jar and commons-io-2.1.jar in the artefact item list.

3) Copy the file frascati_boot.properties in the folder serviceRegistry/nxserver/config/

4) delete the library jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar in easysoa/serviceRegistry/nxserver/lib/

5) add : rm -f ./serviceRegistry/nxserver/lib/README.txt & after : uiscaffolder & in run.sh