Occured at a client's on 0.3 final (easysoa-demo-0.3-RC10-Even-More-Awesome-Alligator.tar.gz).
Quick workaround needed.
Probably a frascati.bat bug ? Then rethinking FraSCAti apps startup within Nuxeo should be the long term solution.
UI Scaffolding Proxy
(Deployed on http://localhost:8090 (scaffolder) and http://localhost:7001 (REST
to SOAP proxy))
DEPENDENCY: Running Travel demo
The JAVA_HOME variable is not set. Please initialize it in your environment
The FRASCATI_HOME variable is not set. Using D:\easysoa\frascati as default valu
Running OW2 FraSCAti ...
'""' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
Exiting OW2 FraSCAti ...
Occured at a client's on 0.3 final (easysoa-demo-0.3-RC10-Even-More-Awesome-Alligator.tar.gz). Quick workaround needed. Probably a frascati.bat bug ? Then rethinking FraSCAti apps startup within Nuxeo should be the long term solution.