easysoa / EasySOA

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Publishing in EasySOA-registry #86

Open tiry opened 12 years ago

tiry commented 12 years ago

EasySOA registry publishing use case is very close to a use case of configuration management.

If you want this to be efficient, the best option would be to do the recursion at low level, directly inside the repository VCS.

This would mean we need to add a dedicated API for that like :

    session.publish(DocumentModel source, DocumentModel dest, boolean recurse)

I would be happy to do it and to plug it in the Publisher service.

Before that, we would need to define exactly the versionning model.

The "nice" option is to really manage configuration (baseline in JCR2) and to store as an additional facets the list of children for each folderish node.

Here again for performance reasons, I would prefer to do it at very low level so that we can leverage a dedicated SQL structure and not rely on application logic.