easystats / easystats

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new vignette showing end-to-end use of `easystats` packages in a paper #108

Open IndrajeetPatil opened 3 years ago

IndrajeetPatil commented 3 years ago

This will be nice to demonstrate the synergy between different eaystats packages.

We just need to decide on a dataset on which we can write a paper. It has to be a messy dataset with missing values, multiple variables with differing factor levels, outliers, etc.

This will help us demonstrate different aspects of functionality we offer (tools for mixed-effects models, robust estimation, etc.).

DominiqueMakowski commented 3 years ago

We should find some nice didactic paper or analysis and do a "re-analysis" using easystats

DominiqueMakowski commented 3 years ago

We could also list all the vignettes from all of the packages, I'm sure by having all of theme at the same place some people would be like "hey this looks interesting let me read it" otherwise they must first be interested in a given package go to the website click on vignettes etc.

go-bayes commented 3 years ago

I'm presently teaching a university honours-level course on R in psychological science; I have our students using easystats packages (and ggeffects) for there analyses and reports. A resource of the kind you imagine would be useful for instruction, and for me too. Grateful for all you are doing.

bwiernik commented 3 years ago

I am planning on moving my intro regression course over to using easystats for the fall semester. I would love to work on a vignette/paper like this over the summer as part of that prep.

strengejacke commented 3 years ago

That'd be really cool! I guess no one would stop you from doing this! :-)