easystats / effectsize

:dragon: Compute and work with indices of effect size and standardized parameters
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Include SE or variance #425

Open bwiernik opened 2 years ago

bwiernik commented 2 years ago

It would be nice to include an option to add the SE or variance in cohen_d(), etc. to facilitate use of effectsize with meta-analyses.

mattansb commented 2 years ago

Hmmm but we don't compute that at any point because we estimate CIs with the ncp method. Would this be easy to implement for all 7 effect sizes ({pooled, non pooled, paired} * {d, g} + delta)?

bwiernik commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I can put together some formulas

mattansb commented 1 year ago


mattansb commented 8 months ago

A good starting point: @MatthewBJane's https://matthewbjane.quarto.pub/effect-size-and-confidence-intervals-guide/

Saved as an attribute, extractable with parameters::standard_error().