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Computation of SE of predictions for GLMs #311

Closed DominiqueMakowski closed 3 years ago

DominiqueMakowski commented 3 years ago


Currently it seems like the CIs for GLMs are not correct (we can test against ciTools):

    x <- glm(vs ~ wt, data = mtcars, family = "binomial")
    head(ciTools::add_ci(mtcars, x)[12:14])
#>                        pred  LCB0.025  UCB0.975
#> Mazda RX4         0.6701904 0.4029645 0.8595094
#> Mazda RX4 Wag     0.5552378 0.3323882 0.7578847
#> Datsun 710        0.7828259 0.4680441 0.9365779
#> Hornet 4 Drive    0.3946687 0.2138805 0.6097431
#> Hornet Sportabout 0.2978405 0.1368286 0.5316274
#> Valiant           0.2899116 0.1307532 0.5256495
    ciTools::add_pi(mtcars, x)
#> Error in add_pi.glm(mtcars, x): Prediction intervals for Bernoulli response variables aren't useful

Created on 2021-03-03 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

I think that the reason could be related to the SE computation:

x <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + hp, data = mtcars)

# Same for lm
as.numeric(predict.lm(x, se.fit = TRUE, interval = "confidence")$se.fit)
#>  [1] 0.7281647 0.7281647 0.9279509 0.7281647 0.9200310 0.7777664 1.0080670
#>  [8] 0.9225132 0.9362657 0.6234320 0.6234320 0.8862558 0.8862558 0.8862558
#> [15] 0.8057154 0.8206255 0.8911693 0.9099596 0.9695585 0.9127445 0.9454598
#> [22] 1.1490264 1.1490264 1.0080670 0.9200310 0.9099596 0.9205392 1.0474287
#> [29] 1.2011595 0.7635547 2.1153615 1.0175965
as.numeric(insight:::.get_predicted_ci_se(x, ci_type = "confidence"))
#>  [1] 0.7281647 0.7281647 0.9279509 0.7281647 0.9200310 0.7777664 1.0080670
#>  [8] 0.9225132 0.9362657 0.6234320 0.6234320 0.8862558 0.8862558 0.8862558
#> [15] 0.8057154 0.8206255 0.8911693 0.9099596 0.9695585 0.9127445 0.9454598
#> [22] 1.1490264 1.1490264 1.0080670 0.9200310 0.9099596 0.9205392 1.0474287
#> [29] 1.2011595 0.7635547 2.1153615 1.0175965

# Different for glm
x <- glm(vs ~ wt * mpg, data = mtcars, family = "binomial")

as.numeric(predict(x, se.fit = TRUE, interval = "confidence")$se.fit)
#>  [1] 0.6783241 0.5675334 0.7288259 0.8216023 0.5475987 0.5684152 1.4616734
#>  [8] 1.5935019 1.1005075 0.5838378 0.5987930 1.0951394 0.7396509 1.2077725
#> [15] 4.3883624 4.6493932 2.8604836 2.0769431 1.6275303 2.2131046 0.7481209
#> [22] 1.1116877 1.2202313 1.8188407 0.9722454 0.9850579 0.8143193 1.7414268
#> [29] 1.1961934 0.7183382 1.2496966 0.5858323
as.numeric(insight:::.get_predicted_ci_se(x, ci_type = "confidence"))
#>  [1] 0.7610616 0.6367575 0.8177234 0.9218160 0.6143912 0.6377467 1.6399588
#>  [8] 1.7878668 1.2347402 0.6550505 0.6718298 1.2287173 0.8298686 1.3550887
#> [15] 4.9236261 5.2164957 3.2093867 2.3302750 1.8260458 2.4830446 0.8393718
#> [22] 1.2472841 1.3690671 2.0406909 1.0908335 1.1052088 0.9136446 1.9538347
#> [29] 1.3420973 0.8059564 1.4021264 0.6572883

Created on 2021-03-03 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Looking at the source code; predict.glm uses directly predict.lm... but we have correct results for predict.lm so I'm not sure why it then different for GLMs 🤔

strengejacke commented 3 years ago

I can look into this later.

strengejacke commented 3 years ago
x <- glm(vs ~ wt * mpg, data = mtcars, family = "binomial")
as.numeric(predict(x, se.fit = TRUE, interval = "confidence")$se.fit)
#>  [1] 0.7610616 0.6367575 0.8177234 0.9218160 0.6143912 0.6377467 1.6399588
#>  [8] 1.7878668 1.2347402 0.6550505 0.6718298 1.2287173 0.8298686 1.3550887
#> [15] 4.9236261 5.2164957 3.2093867 2.3302750 1.8260458 2.4830446 0.8393718
#> [22] 1.2472841 1.3690671 2.0406909 1.0908335 1.1052088 0.9136446 1.9538347
#> [29] 1.3420973 0.8059564 1.4021264 0.6572883
#>  [1] 0.7610616 0.6367575 0.8177234 0.9218160 0.6143912 0.6377467 1.6399588
#>  [8] 1.7878668 1.2347402 0.6550505 0.6718298 1.2287173 0.8298686 1.3550887
#> [15] 4.9236261 5.2164957 3.2093867 2.3302750 1.8260458 2.4830446 0.8393718
#> [22] 1.2472841 1.3690671 2.0406909 1.0908335 1.1052088 0.9136446 1.9538347
#> [29] 1.3420973 0.8059564 1.4021264 0.6572883

Created on 2021-03-03 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

strengejacke commented 3 years ago

I'm a bit scared that you're always working on random branches / versions of the packages when you work on new features or improve existing ones, because one never knows if you're actually improving something or "worsen" something that already has been improved. 😆

strengejacke commented 3 years ago

But yeah, as fan of Bayesian statistics, we of course embrace uncertainty, and this includes the uncertainty of improving / fixing packages.

DominiqueMakowski commented 3 years ago

I'm a bit scared that you're always working on random branches / versions of the packages when you work on new features or improve existing ones, because one never knows if you're actually improving something or "worsen" something that already has been improved. 😆

well, we used to have dev branches... but then someone suggested to drop em 😬

but for this one yeah I agree I should have opened a PR, but I underestimated the complexity of it 😢 i thought it was going to be quick n' easy that said for now I try to make sure not to break anything (hence the _new())

strengejacke commented 3 years ago

Well, it's not about breaking code per se, I'm totally fine if you work on master. Rather, it seems like you're believing to work on the latest master, and based on that assumption you're changing code, but actually you are not working on the latest master, so all your code changes are based on a not-up-to-date version ;-)

I just pulled from master, re-build insight an came to the above results, i.e. se's from predict() and from get_predicted_ci_se() are identical. I wonder why you get those discrepancies?

strengejacke commented 3 years ago

I just see, predict() in your example gives wrong values, so I bet you were using a "different" predict here? get_predicted_ci_se() is in line with stats::predict.glm().

strengejacke commented 3 years ago

Ok, I withdraw my suspicion that the non-matching examples stem from you working on a not-up-to-date master... actually, everything here works as intended:

x <- glm(vs ~ wt * mpg, data = mtcars, family = "binomial")
as.numeric(stats:::predict.lm(x, se.fit = TRUE, scale = 1)$se.fit)
#>  [1] 0.7610616 0.6367575 0.8177234 0.9218160 0.6143912 0.6377467 1.6399588
#>  [8] 1.7878668 1.2347402 0.6550505 0.6718298 1.2287173 0.8298686 1.3550887
#> [15] 4.9236261 5.2164957 3.2093867 2.3302750 1.8260458 2.4830446 0.8393718
#> [22] 1.2472841 1.3690671 2.0406909 1.0908335 1.1052088 0.9136446 1.9538347
#> [29] 1.3420973 0.8059564 1.4021264 0.6572883
#>  [1] 0.7610616 0.6367575 0.8177234 0.9218160 0.6143912 0.6377467 1.6399588
#>  [8] 1.7878668 1.2347402 0.6550505 0.6718298 1.2287173 0.8298686 1.3550887
#> [15] 4.9236261 5.2164957 3.2093867 2.3302750 1.8260458 2.4830446 0.8393718
#> [22] 1.2472841 1.3690671 2.0406909 1.0908335 1.1052088 0.9136446 1.9538347
#> [29] 1.3420973 0.8059564 1.4021264 0.6572883

as.numeric(stats:::predict.lm(x, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit)
#>  [1] 0.6783241 0.5675334 0.7288259 0.8216023 0.5475987 0.5684152 1.4616734
#>  [8] 1.5935019 1.1005075 0.5838378 0.5987930 1.0951394 0.7396509 1.2077725
#> [15] 4.3883624 4.6493932 2.8604836 2.0769431 1.6275303 2.2131046 0.7481209
#> [22] 1.1116877 1.2202313 1.8188407 0.9722454 0.9850579 0.8143193 1.7414268
#> [29] 1.1961934 0.7183382 1.2496966 0.5858323
#>  [1] 0.7610616 0.6367575 0.8177234 0.9218160 0.6143912 0.6377467 1.6399588
#>  [8] 1.7878668 1.2347402 0.6550505 0.6718298 1.2287173 0.8298686 1.3550887
#> [15] 4.9236261 5.2164957 3.2093867 2.3302750 1.8260458 2.4830446 0.8393718
#> [22] 1.2472841 1.3690671 2.0406909 1.0908335 1.1052088 0.9136446 1.9538347
#> [29] 1.3420973 0.8059564 1.4021264 0.6572883

Created on 2021-03-03 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

Note the scale argument, which is NULL for linear models by default, and 1 when called for glm. So we have no discrepancies here at all.

DominiqueMakowski commented 3 years ago

Right, I see! my bad

DominiqueMakowski commented 3 years ago

The differences I was seeing in fact were present for transformed SE, but it should be fixed now