easystats / modelbased

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Estimate effects, contrasts and means based on statistical models
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`modelization_approach` vignette fails to render #235

Open IndrajeetPatil opened 9 months ago

IndrajeetPatil commented 9 months ago

R CMD check is also failing for the same reason.

cf. https://github.com/easystats/modelbased/actions/runs/6219853679/job/16878726351

-- RMarkdown error -------------------------------------------------------------

Quitting from lines 144-156 [unnamed-chunk-5] (modelisation_approach.Rmd)
Error in `map()`:
ℹ In index: 9.
Caused by error in `render_rmarkdown()`:
! Failed to render RMarkdown
Caused by error:
! in callr subprocess.
Caused by error:
! cannot xtfrm data frames
  1. └─... %>% summarise(RT = mean(RT))
  2.   └─base::eval(rhs_call, envir = list(. = lhs), enclos = parent.frame())
  3.     └─base::eval(rhs_call, envir = list(. = lhs), enclos = parent.frame())
  4.       ├─poorman::summarise(., RT = mean(RT))
  5.       └─poorman:::summarise.grouped_df(., RT = mean(RT))
  6.         └─poorman:::groups_set(res, groups[-n], group_by_drop_default(.data))
  7.           └─poorman:::calculate_groups(x, groups, drop)
  8.             ├─...[]
  9.             ├─tibble:::`[.tbl_df`(...)
 10.             ├─base::do.call(...)
 11.             └─base (local) `<fn>`(`<tibble[,1]>`, `<tibble[,1]>`)
 12.               └─base::lapply(z, function(x) if (is.object(x)) as.vector(xtfrm(x)) else x)
 13.                 └─base (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
 14.                   ├─base::as.vector(xtfrm(x))
 15.                   ├─base::xtfrm(x)
 16.                   └─base::xtfrm.data.frame(x)
DominiqueMakowski commented 9 months ago

Caused by interaction(wt, cyl) has this been changed in ggplot?