easystats / performance

:muscle: Models' quality and performance metrics (R2, ICC, LOO, AIC, BF, ...)
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JOSE Review - 221 #636

Closed stats-tgeorge closed 11 months ago

stats-tgeorge commented 11 months ago

Other comments (don't need resolved):


rempsyc commented 11 months ago


Point 1 has been corrected. Point 2 has been changed to:

Identifying observations the regression model does not fit well can help find information relevant to our specific research context.

For point 3, I added,

Currently, most lm models are supported (with the exception of glmmTMB, lmrob, and glmrob models), as long as they are supported by the underlying functions stats::cooks.distance() (or loo::pareto_k_values()) and insight::get_data() (for a full list of the 225 models currently supported by the insight package, see https://easystats.github.io/insight/#list-of-supported-models-by-class).

(addressing the other points in a second reply)

rempsyc commented 11 months ago

Table 1 is very helpful; consider adding a column for the R function use. Right now it is very hard to read the thresholds column. Is the recommended thresholds the function defaults?

I clarified that the recommended thresholds are the default thresholds, but I find it difficult to format the table properly in rmarkdown PDF/JOSE paper. I tried using "\n" or adding empty rows to help air the content a bit but that does not seem to work.

Also, originally the table was larger but with four columns, the text starts overlapping, even when not using code formatting inside the table. I think it is because the function call (check_outliers(model,) is a single word with no spaces so it does not jump to the next line until the end of the string. I have for now removed the in-table code formatting in the hope of improving readability and added a column showing the function usage. See below for what I mean.


I currently use knitr::kable but will try to see if other packages can yield a better outcome for the .md format.

rempsyc commented 11 months ago

Ok, using the flextable package, I think we have a much better result now...


rempsyc commented 11 months ago

 Extending this to work well in the tidyverse or adding a section exhibiting that it already does might increase the adoption of your package. Consider compatibility with tidymodels specifically where the outlier detection can be part of the recipe for the data analysis.

I confirm that although check_outliers() works with the pipe and insight::get_data(), it does not currently work with tidymodels because of stats::cooks.distance():


# Create some artificial outliers and an ID column
data <- rbind(mtcars[1:4], 42, 55)
data <- cbind(car = row.names(data), data)

lm(disp ~ mpg * hp, data = data) |>
  check_outliers() |>
#> [1] 31 34


linear_reg() %>% 
  fit(disp ~ mpg * hp, data = data) %>% 
#> Error in UseMethod("cooks.distance"): no applicable method for 'cooks.distance' applied to an object of class "c('_lm', 'model_fit')"

# insight::get_data works
linear_reg() %>% 
  fit(disp ~ mpg * hp, data = data) %>% 
#>                      disp  mpg  hp
#> Mazda RX4           160.0 21.0 110
#> Mazda RX4 Wag       160.0 21.0 110
#> Datsun 710          108.0 22.8  93
#> Hornet 4 Drive      258.0 21.4 110
#> Hornet Sportabout   360.0 18.7 175
#> Valiant             225.0 18.1 105

# stats::cooks.distance() doesn't
linear_reg() %>% 
  fit(disp ~ mpg * hp, data = data) %>% 
#> Error in UseMethod("cooks.distance"): no applicable method for 'cooks.distance' applied to an object of class "c('_lm', 'model_fit')"

Created on 2023-10-04 with reprex v2.0.2

I think it is worth thinking about adding support for those long-term, but for now, I have added tidymodels to the list of unsupported models within the paper, while mentioning that the pipe operator is supported.

 Also note that although check_outliers() supports the pipe operators (|> or %>%), it does not support tidymodels at this time.

With this I think I have addressed all the points so closing this issue for now but do not hesitate to comment again if more things come up. Thanks!

rempsyc commented 11 months ago

Even though

    journal: "JOSE"

Renders the PDF correctly, it seems like the JOSE rendering process of the .md file does not like the LaTeX commands introduced by using flextable to produce the table... I suppose I'll just have to take a screenshot and leave it at that...