easystats / report

:scroll: :tada: Automated reporting of objects in R
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supporting contingency (one-way, two-way, paired) table analyses #134

Open IndrajeetPatil opened 3 years ago

IndrajeetPatil commented 3 years ago
#> report is in alpha - help us improve by reporting bugs on github.com/easystats/report/issues

#> Error in report_effectsize.htest(x, ...): This type of test is not supported yet. Please open an issue on https://github.com/easystats/report/issues

report(stats::chisq.test(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$cyl)))
#> Warning in stats::chisq.test(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$cyl)): Chi-squared
#> approximation may be incorrect
#> Error in report_effectsize.htest(x, ...): This type of test is not supported yet. Please open an issue on https://github.com/easystats/report/issues

Performance <-
  matrix(c(794, 86, 150, 570),
    nrow = 2,
    dimnames = list(
      "1st Survey" = c("Approve", "Disapprove"),
      "2nd Survey" = c("Approve", "Disapprove")

#> Error in report_effectsize.htest(x, ...): This type of test is not supported yet. Please open an issue on https://github.com/easystats/report/issues

Created on 2021-03-19 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

IndrajeetPatil commented 3 years ago

Will try to work on this in the next few days.