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To-do: Clean-up names in outputs (`airquality$Month` instead of `as.factor(airquality$Month)`) #401

Open rempsyc opened 10 months ago

rempsyc commented 10 months ago

We should attempt to clean-up names in outputs (airquality$Month instead of as.factor(airquality$Month)) (discussed initially in #397). E.g.,


x <- kruskal.test(airquality$Ozone ~ as.factor(airquality$Month))

#> Warning: Missing values detected. NAs dropped.
#> Effect sizes were labelled following Field's (2013) recommendations.
#> The Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test testing the difference in ranks between
#> airquality$Ozone and as.factor(airquality$Month) suggests that the effect is
#> statistically significant, and large (Kruskal-Wallis chi2 = 29.27, p < .001;
#> Epsilon squared (rank) = 0.25, 95% CI [0.14, 1.00])

Created on 2023-11-05 with reprex v2.0.2

IndrajeetPatil commented 10 months ago

cf. https://easystats.github.io/insight/reference/clean_names.html