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[Feature] Add report.compare.loo #419

Closed DominiqueMakowski closed 6 months ago

DominiqueMakowski commented 6 months ago
> x <- brms::loo_compare(brms::add_criterion(m1, "loo"),
+                        brms::add_criterion(m2, "loo"),
+                        model_names=c("m1", "m2"))
> report(x)
The difference in predictive accuracy, as index by Expected Log Predictive Density (ELPD), suggests that 'm2' is the best model, followed by 'm1' (diff =
-9.70, Z-diff = -2.98)
mattansb commented 6 months ago

Made some changes to report if LOO or WAIC was used and to allow for ELPD or IC to be reported, and reporting the effective number of parameters (p).


m1 <- stan_glm(mpg ~ 1, data = mtcars, refresh = 0)
m2 <- stan_glm(mpg ~ am, data = mtcars, refresh = 0)
m3 <- stan_glm(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars, refresh = 0)

c.loo <- loo_compare(loo(m1), loo(m2), loo(m3))
c.waic <- loo_compare(waic(m1), waic(m2), waic(m3))

#> The difference in predictive accuracy, as index by Expected Log Predictive
#> Density (ELPD-LOO), suggests that 'm3' is the best model (effective number of
#> parameters (ENP) = 3.66), followed by 'm2' (diff = -7.05, ENP = 2.82, z-diff =
#> -2.39) and 'm1' (diff = -12.99, ENP = 1.80, z-diff = -3.77).
report(c.loo, index = "IC")
#> The difference in predictive accuracy, as index by Leave-One-Out CV Information
#> Criterion (LOOIC), suggests that 'm3' is the best model (effective number of
#> parameters (ENP) = 3.66), followed by 'm2' (diff = 14.10, ENP = 2.82, z-diff =
#> 2.39) and 'm1' (diff = 25.99, ENP = 1.80, z-diff = 3.77).

#> The difference in predictive accuracy, as index by Expected Log Predictive
#> Density (ELPD-WAIC), suggests that 'm3' is the best model (effective number of
#> parameters (ENP) = 3.52), followed by 'm2' (diff = -7.15, ENP = 2.78, z-diff =
#> -2.45) and 'm1' (diff = -13.12, ENP = 1.78, z-diff = -3.90).
report(c.waic, index = "IC")
#> The difference in predictive accuracy, as index by Widely Applicable
#> Information Criterion (WAIC), suggests that 'm3' is the best model (effective
#> number of parameters (ENP) = 3.52), followed by 'm2' (diff = 14.29, ENP = 2.78,
#> z-diff = 2.45) and 'm1' (diff = 26.24, ENP = 1.78, z-diff = 3.90).

Created on 2024-03-26 with reprex v2.1.0

DominiqueMakowski commented 6 months ago

very cool! will be useful for teaching

DominiqueMakowski commented 6 months ago

@rempsyc I think this is good to be merged

rempsyc commented 6 months ago

Thanks, but we see:

── R CMD check results ───────────────────────────────────── report ────
Duration: 5m 4.3s

❯ checking Rd cross-references ... WARNING
  Missing link or links in documentation object 'report.compare.loo.Rd':

  See section 'Cross-references' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.

❯ checking Rd \usage sections ... WARNING
  Undocumented arguments in documentation object 'report.compare.loo'

  Functions with \usage entries need to have the appropriate \alias
  entries, and all their arguments documented.
  The \usage entries must correspond to syntactically valid R code.
  See chapter ‘Writing R documentation files’ in the ‘Writing R
  Extensions’ manual.

  WORD        FOUND IN
elpd        report.compare.loo.Rd:22,23
ELPD        report.compare.loo.Rd:13
IC          report.compare.loo.Rd:13
Magnusson   report.compare.loo.Rd:23
Sivula      report.compare.loo.Rd:23
Vehtari     report.compare.loo.Rd:23
! Spelling errors found. Either correct them or update `inst/WORDLIST`
  using `spelling::update_wordlist()`.

── Building function reference ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error in `build_reference_index()`:
! All topics must be included in reference index
✖ Missing topics: report.compare.loo
ℹ Either add to _pkgdown.yml or use @keywords internal
DominiqueMakowski commented 6 months ago

should be fixed

rempsyc commented 6 months ago

Thanks, but we still see:

  WORD        FOUND IN
elpd        report.compare.loo.Rd:22,23
ELPD        report.compare.loo.Rd:13
IC          report.compare.loo.Rd:13
Magnusson   report.compare.loo.Rd:23
Sivula      report.compare.loo.Rd:23
Vehtari     report.compare.loo.Rd:23
! Spelling errors found. Either correct them or update `inst/WORDLIST`
  using `spelling::update_wordlist()`.

── Building function reference ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error in `build_reference_index()`:
! All topics must be included in reference index
✖ Missing topics: report.compare.loo
ℹ Either add to _pkgdown.yml or use @keywords internal

Some files don't follow the style guide. Run styler::style_pkg() with latest {styler}.

Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
DominiqueMakowski commented 6 months ago


rempsyc commented 6 months ago

Your wishes are my commands. Why haven't you started with this, Master Sidious? Let me get to work and fix all those remaining issues now


rempsyc commented 6 months ago

Snapshots are still failing, but I'm afraid we'll have to fix them in a different PR :/

rempsyc commented 6 months ago

Can you update the ~readme~ NEWS.md with the addition of this new function? I don't know what it does 😬

DominiqueMakowski commented 6 months ago

Can you update the readme

No need to put it in the README I'd say, it's quite a niche and mostly "convenience" feature (a tweet about it will suffice :)

rempsyc commented 6 months ago

Boy am I tired hehe, I meant the NEWS.md 😂 It is done now, I have updated it, sorry about that

strengejacke commented 6 months ago

@rempsyc waiting for Dom to add tests and fix check issues...
