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Plotting normality of residuals: Scaling issues / differences #335

Closed mutlusun closed 2 months ago

mutlusun commented 5 months ago

Dear package authors,

Thank you very much for all your work and effort for the easystats packages. I like and use them a lot and they make my life definitely easier.

Recently, I stumbled upon a scaling "issue" with a data set consisting of two time points. Here is a small example for examination:

x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100, mean = x, sd = .5)
myd <- data.frame(x, y)

When fitting a regression model to this data and plotting the residuals, I get the impression that something is off here:

fit <- lm(y ~ x, data = myd)
tmp <- performance::check_normality(fit)
plot(tmp, type = "qq")


However, plotting in a different way doesn't show such a strong deviation:

plot(tmp, type = "qq", detrend = FALSE)


First of all, I'm not sure whether these differences in visualization are an "issue" of this package. When looking at the y-axis in the first plot, it is clear that the deviations don't have a strong magnitude. However, I still find it a bit strange that the same function suggests different interpretations.

Would it be an option to set certain minimal limits for the plot in the case of detrend = TRUE? I'm happy to implement this but wanted to ask for your thoughts before.

Note: This is not such an issue with qqplotr installed as the bands are often very wide and the interval wider.

bwiernik commented 5 months ago

The second plot shows a very strong deviation. Those tails are much wider than expected under a normal distribution. The first plot better shows the amount of the deviation by removing the angular axis.

strengejacke commented 5 months ago

This issue is related to https://github.com/easystats/performance/pull/643#issuecomment-1999548863. When you look at the examples (https://easystats.github.io/see/articles/performance.html#qq-plot), you see that detrend = TRUE often works well. But sometimes, due to the different limits of the y-axis, the plots look rather different (although they are not).

I still find it a bit strange that the same function suggests different interpretations.

It does not. It's just the scale that "zooms in" for detrend = TRUE, and actually, for detrend = TRUE, the deviation is usually easier to see.

That said, it may be surprising to users to see that large differences. Maybe we find a way to adjust the y-axis, so the differences are not that large.

bwiernik commented 5 months ago

We set the non-detrended y axis limits to fixed values if I recall correctly. We should do the same with appropriate values for the detrended y axis.

strengejacke commented 5 months ago

No, I think for both plots, we don't set limits, thus ggplot2 decides which range to use, based on the range of the data.


The question is if it's possible to find reasonable y-limits for the detrended plot?

mutlusun commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your replies!

Sorry, for being sloppy in my description above. As both of you pointed out, the tails show a strong deviation and both plots show the same thing but the scaling is different. I am aware of that. I was, for example, more concerned with the range of -1 to 1 of the standard normal distribution quantiles which could be interpreted differently between both plots (when not paying attention to the limits of the y-axes).

The question is if it's possible to find reasonable y-limits for the detrended plot?

I have thought about that a while but I think it is hard to come up with reasonable y-limits. Is there a good rule of thumb for deciding when there is a deviation? (This way minimum y-limits could be set. But, I didn't find one and it is probably misleading to decide for one.)

As an alternative: Would it be possible to set qqplotr as a hard dependency for this plot? This could be an easy way to increase the y-limits a bit.

ClaudioZandonella commented 3 months ago

Adding on this topic, I found these results interesting.

qqplot with detrend = TRUE

Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 11 04 36

qqplot with detrend = FALSE

Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 11 04 23

They provide completely opposite results 🤯. This makes interpretation pretty troublesome. Running shapiro.test() on the residuals I obtain p-value = 0.8866.

Do you have any idea on how to interpret these opposite results?

This is not just a toy example, I initially obtained these results from a real study. I am not sure if these strange results are related to the characteristics of the study: small fixed effect (Marginal R2 ~ 12%), but very large random effect (conditional R2 ~ 90%), so the remaining residual variance is really small.

Below is a minimal working example to simulate data and reproduce the plots.

Click me - Snippet Code ``` library('tidyverse') library('ggplot2') library('lme4') set.seed(2024) # create data df <- expand_grid( id = 1:20, trial = 1:20, condition = 0:1 ) %>% mutate( across(c(id, trial, condition), factor) ) contrasts(df$condition) <- contr.sum(2) # generate random effect ran_ef <- rnorm(20, mean = 0, sd =.45) # get model matrix random effects my_model <- "y ~ condition + (1 | id)" df$y <- 1 # lFormula need y foo <- lFormula(eval(my_model), df) Z <- t(as.matrix(foo$reTrms$Zt)) # get model matrix fixed effects V <- model.matrix(~ condition, data = df) # simulate y df$y <- as.vector(V %*% c(1.4, .15) + Z %*% ran_ef + rnorm(nrow(df), mean = 0, sd = .15)) # plot data ggplot(df) + geom_point(aes(x = id, y = y, color = condition), alpha = .6, position = position_jitter(width = .2)) # fit model my_fit <- lmer(y ~ condition + (1 | id), data = df) performance::check_model(my_fit) performance::r2(my_fit) performance::check_normality(my_fit) shapiro.test(residuals(my_fit)) qqnorm(residuals(my_fit)) tmp <- performance::check_normality(my_fit) plot(tmp, type = "qq") plot(tmp, type = "qq", detrend = FALSE) ```

By the way, thank you for the amazing package❤️❤️

strengejacke commented 3 months ago

It seems like qqplotr is not installed? I get completely different plots:

#> # Attaching packages: easystats
#> ✔ bayestestR    ✔ correlation  
#> ✔ datawizard    ✔ effectsize  0.8.8    
#> ✔ insight   ✔ modelbased  0.8.7    
#> ✔ performance    ✔ parameters 
#> ✔ report     ✔ see
#> Loading required package: Matrix

# create data
df <- expand.grid(
  id = 1:20,
  trial = 1:20,
  condition = 0:1
) |>

contrasts(df$condition) <- contr.sum(2)

# generate random effect
ran_ef <- rnorm(20, mean = 0, sd = .45)

# get model matrix random effects
my_model <- "y ~ condition + (1 | id)"
df$y <- 1 # lFormula need y
foo <- lFormula(eval(my_model), df)
Z <- t(as.matrix(foo$reTrms$Zt))

# get model matrix fixed effects
V <- model.matrix(~condition, data = df)

# simulate y
df$y <- as.vector(V %*% c(1.4, .15) + Z %*% ran_ef + rnorm(nrow(df), mean = 0, sd = .15))

# fit model
my_fit <- lmer(y ~ condition + (1 | id), data = df)
tmp <- performance::check_normality(my_fit)
plot(tmp, type = "qq")

plot(tmp, type = "qq", detrend = FALSE)

Created on 2024-05-22 with reprex v2.1.0

ClaudioZandonella commented 3 months ago

Yes, thank you for the clarification!

After installing qqplotr I obtain more reasonable (normal😅) results

Before I obtained the message

For confidence bands, please install 'qqplotr'.

I thought it was only an "additional" feature, not a requirement.

Thank you for the immediate help!

strengejacke commented 3 months ago

I thought it was only an "additional" feature, not a requirement.

Yes, usually, it should indeed only be for CIs. But qqplotr has a detrend-argument that does the transformation of the plot, and w/o that package, we have written our own detrend-functions, which obviously doesn't work well in all situations.

@mattansb any ideas?

mattansb commented 3 months ago

The CIs are an additional feature enabled by qqplotr, but they really do make possible the interpretation of the the detrended QQ plot (and the non-detrended plot as well!)

strengejacke commented 3 months ago

I meant the own detrend-code:


Any ideas, why the above plot (https://github.com/easystats/see/issues/335#issuecomment-2124325706) deviates that much when qqplotr is not installed?

mattansb commented 3 months ago

Hmmmmm.... there's some scaling issue here. I'll look into it.

mattansb commented 3 months ago

This isn't 100%, but it's very close.........

#> Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.3.3

g <- rnorm(20, sd = 15)


ggplot() + 
  stat_qq(aes(sample = g,
              y = after_stat(sample - theoretical),
              x = after_stat(theoretical)))


# Re scale?
N <- length(g)
SD <- sd(g) * sqrt((N - 1) / N)

ggplot() + 
  stat_qq(aes(sample = g,
              y = after_stat(sample - theoretical * SD),
              x = after_stat(theoretical * SD)))

similiar to qqplotr

ggplot() + 
  qqplotr::stat_qq_point(aes(sample = g), detrend = TRUE)

Created on 2024-05-22 with reprex v2.1.0

strengejacke commented 3 months ago

Thanks, I'll revise the code in see.

strengejacke commented 2 months ago

Scaling in combination with preserving the original axis limits seems to be fine.

Without qqplotr

x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100, mean = x, sd = .5)
myd <- data.frame(x, y)
fit <- lm(y ~ x, data = myd)
tmp <- performance::check_normality(fit)
plot(tmp, type = "qq")
#> For confidence bands, please install `qqplotr`.

plot(tmp, type = "qq", detrend = FALSE)
#> For confidence bands, please install `qqplotr`.

With qqplotr

x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100, mean = x, sd = .5)
myd <- data.frame(x, y)
fit <- lm(y ~ x, data = myd)
tmp <- performance::check_normality(fit)
plot(tmp, type = "qq")

plot(tmp, type = "qq", detrend = FALSE)

mutlusun commented 2 months ago

Thank you for taking care and fixing!