easystats / workflows

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Use keywords or manually trigger GHA in pull requests? #20

Closed etiennebacher closed 1 year ago

etiennebacher commented 1 year ago

If there are a lot of commits made individually in a PR, GHA will run on all of them. Since we have quite a lot of workflows, it sometimes a lot of time to wait for the check results for the latest commit (which is the one we're interesting in).

For example, this goes on 5 pages for only one PR:


Is there a way to skip all the "intermediary commits" and only run GHA on the last one? Or is it possible to trigger GHA ourselves, for example with a keyword in the commit message?

IndrajeetPatil commented 1 year ago

If one thinks that the PR is not ready yet, using [skip ci] is in the commit message is always an option.

We can also cancel the workflows if there is a new commit in the PR. But then the contributor would get many emails for each cancelled workflow, which is not great experience either.

Another option is to run the workflows only when the PR is marked as ready for review. This means that the responsibility will lie with the contributors to mark the PR as a draft if they think it's a WIP. Can we expect such a discipline from our team? In this case, the workflows will run only for each commit after the PR was marked ready for a review.

IndrajeetPatil commented 1 year ago

I think this issue can be closed in favour of https://github.com/easystats/workflows/issues/28?

etiennebacher commented 1 year ago

Yes I think so