easyw / kicadStepUpMod

kicadStepUp: ECAD to MCAD FreeCAD WorkBench
505 stars 66 forks source link

ksu version number incorrect #94

Closed sslupsky closed 3 years ago

sslupsky commented 3 years ago

Not sure why this is happening, it could simply be something got messed up in my repo or maybe some kind of cache issue. I have the latest commit 9e429f26513e536023e474029e0f556d08033b3b that shows a version number of I have verified that InitGui.py defines verKSU as "". However, when I export a footprint, the version reported in the console is The preference pane shows the correct version number.

This happens in both FC 0.19 stable and FC 0.20.

Output of git show:

barbie-en0:kicadStepUpMod stevenslupsky$ git show
commit 9e429f26513e536023e474029e0f556d08033b3b (HEAD -> master)
Author: U-CAD\userC <easyw@katamail.com>
Date:   Mon Sep 6 18:46:58 2021 +0200

    Remove use of future module

diff --git a/InitGui.py b/InitGui.py
index cacd696..4ffc8a6 100644
--- a/InitGui.py
+++ b/InitGui.py
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
 #*  Kicad STEPUP (TM) is a TradeMark and cannot be freely usable            *
 #*                                                                          *

-ksu_wb_version='v 10.3.1'
+ksu_wb_version='v 10.3.2'
 global myurlKWB, ksuWBpath
 global mycommitsKWB
-mycommitsKWB=444 #v10.3.1
+mycommitsKWB=445 #v10.3.2
 global verKSU

 import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Part, os, sys
 import re, time
diff --git a/kicad_parser.py b/kicad_parser.py
index 5df4cec..8d089a0 100644
--- a/kicad_parser.py
+++ b/kicad_parser.py
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
-        print_function, unicode_literals)
+## from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
+##         print_function, unicode_literals)
 #from builtins import *
-from future.utils import iteritems
+# from future.utils import iteritems

 from collections import defaultdict
 from math import sqrt, atan2, degrees, sin, cos, radians, pi, hypot
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import sys, os



Console when I export the "test" footprint:

10:07:41  PoM not present
10:07:41  using 'Part' container and 'Links'
10:07:41  FC Version 020-25541
10:07:41  Asm3 WB present
10:07:41  kicad StepUp version
10:07:41  tolerance on vertex applied
10:07:41  applying Materials to Shapes
10:07:41  your home path is /Users/stevenslupsky
10:07:41  export to STEP False
10:07:41  Tabified done !
10:07:41  done!
10:07:41  need to discretize Arcs
10:07:41  added circle pad
10:07:41  added discretized polygon
10:07:41  importing BOPTools
10:07:41  trying makeConnect
10:07:41  failed makeConnect
10:07:48  exporting new footprint
10:07:48  saving to /Users/stevenslupsky/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Kicad/wear sensor/wear sensor.pretty/test.kicad_mod
10:07:48  Sketch017
10:07:48  Sketch
10:07:48  2d closed path
10:07:48  normalized Poly
10:07:48  circle drill
10:07:48  collected poly pads centers and positions
10:07:48  poly closed
10:07:48  pad in poly found! 0.0,0.0
10:07:48  created Poly pads
10:07:48  running time: 0.011sec
10:07:48  new Footprint pushed to kicad footprint!
file saved to /Users/stevenslupsky/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Kicad/wear sensor/wear sensor.pretty/test.kicad_mod

Preference pane:

kicad StepUp version
Kicad StepUp is a tool set to easily collaborate between kicad pcb EDA (board and 3D parts) as STEP models and FreeCAD MCAD modeler.
StepUp can also be used to align 3D model to kicad footprint.
The artwork can be used for MCAD interchange and collaboration, and for enclosure design.
The 3D visualization of components on board assemblies in kicad 3dviewer, will be the same in your mechanical software, because of the STEP interchange format.
It is also possible to Update a pcb Edge from a FC Sketcher.
configuration options:
Configuration options are located in the preferences system of FreeCAD, which is located in the Edit menu -> Preferences.
starter Guide:
Note: each button has its own Tooltip
useful buttons:
Load kicad Board directly -> will load kicad board and parts in FreeCAD coming from kicad '.kicad_pcb' file
Load kicad Footprint module -> will load directly kicad footprint in FreeCAD to easily align the 3D model to footprint
Export to kicad STEP & scaled VRML -> will convert MCAD model to STEP and VRML to be used by Kicad and kicad StepUp
-> VRML can be multipart;
-> STEP must be single part
('Part Boolean Union' or 'Part Makecompound')
assign material to selected colors and your VRML 3D models will have nice shiny effects
Push pcb Sketch to kicad_pcb Edge -> will push pcb Skecth to kicad_pcb Edge in your design; it can be done with an empty or with an existing pcb Edge

for a more detailed help have a look at 
or just follow the YouTube video tutorials 
kicadStepUp basics
kicadStepUp STEP alignment to Kicad footprint
check always the latest release of kicadStepUp

Designing in kicad native 3d-viewer will produce a fully aligned STEP MCAD version with the same view of kicad 3d render.
Moreover, KiCad StepUp tool set will let you to load the kicad footprint inside FreeCAD and align the 3D part with a visual real time feedback of the 3d model and footprint reciprocal position.
With this tool is possible to download a part from on-line libraries, align the model to kicad footprint and export the model to wrl, for immediate 3d-viewer alignment in pcbnew.
Now the two words are connected for a better collaboration; just design in kicad EDA and transfer the artwork to MCAD (FreeCAD) smoothly.
The workflow is very simple and maintains the usual way to work with kicad:
Add models to your library creating 3D models in FreeCAD, or getting models from online libs or from the parametric 3D lib expressly done to kicad kicadStepUp 3D STEP models generator
Once you have your 3D MCAD model, you need to have a copy of that in STEP and VRML format. 
(with the latest kicad release you can only have STEP model, VRML is not needed anymore, but it is possible to mix VRML, STEP and IGES format)
Just exporting the model with FreeCAD and put your model in the same folder in which normally you are used to put vrml models; the script will assembly the MCAD board and models as in 3d-viewer of kicad.
STEP model has to be fused in single object
(Part Boolean Union of objects)
or a Compoud (Part Makecompound of objects)

enable 'Report view' Panel to see helping messages
easyw commented 3 years ago

@sslupsky thanks for reporting... it should now be corrected https://github.com/easyw/kicadStepUpMod/commit/5921656559deda10d1aec0242df03bfc7e7a332c