eatdrinkhealthy / edh-app

The Eat Drink Healthy web (and tentatively mobile / cordova) app created with Meteor and React.
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Linting #3

Closed johnthepink closed 7 years ago

johnthepink commented 7 years ago

I generally like the lint setup you have. I love the airbnb defaults. I think there are a couple things we need to add to make eslint like the meteor imports.

  "parserOptions": {
    "allowImportExportEverywhere": true

I don't think this is necessary yet, but just for reference. If we need to take advantage of Meteor's nested import functionality, that will cover it.

  "settings": {
    "import/core-modules": [

This one is more important. This will tell eslint that the import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor' is ok, as well as for importing from the accounts package and mongo.

stevenjmarsh commented 7 years ago

I incorporated the "import/core-modules" settings in to the eslint-meteor repo (and updated the readme). I also add that new version of the eslintrc.json file to the edh-app project (currently in the 'filters' branch).

glad to be getting rid of those eslint errors!