eatgrass / obsidian-pomodoro-timer

A pomodoro timer that helps manage your daily focus
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Prevent race condition with change append-method #8

Closed theotheo closed 6 months ago

theotheo commented 6 months ago

While using my fork in practice, I encountered an unexpected issue. Periodically, the file was not being updated. During the investigation, I noticed that the writing was indeed happening, but Obsidian wasn't recognizing it.

In other words, if I opened the file being written to in VSCode (and likely any other editor), I could see the added text there. However, in the open file in Obsidian, there were no visible changes. If I made some changes in Obsidian afterward, it would overwrite without including the expected appended log.

Unfortunately, I couldn't create a reproducible example. The situation occurred under load — when Obsidian lagged due to the operation of certain plugins. It seemed like a race condition.

No errors were observed during this process. I even added try-catch, but errors weren't caught there either. Later, someone suggested that the documentation recommends using other functions (Note the "Safety" section):

While the file operations in the Adapter API are often more familiar to many developers, the Vault API has two main advantages over the adapter.

Performance: The Vault API has a caching layer that can speed up file reads when the file is already known to Obsidian. Safety: The Vault API performs file operations serially to avoid any race conditions, for example when reading a file that is being written to at the same time. Therefore, I propose replacing vault.adapter.append with vault.append. I understand that the behavior I observed was related to my fork, where I was logging to the so-called active file. However, if logging into Daily and simultaneously writing something in it, the problem might likely arise.

eatgrass commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the PR and the clarification