Closed qwertz2021 closed 9 months ago
Add: I seen this thread but I don't know, what's to do in the Eve App:
Best unset Expose (that should clear the old API key), and, after a half a minute or so, set it again. Homebridge deCONZ will ask you (in the log) to unlock the gateway, so it can obtain a new API key.
What means "Expose"?
There is no "Expose" Option in the Eve app:
Looks like you backed up/restored Homebridge deCONZ, but not deCONZ itself. The (restored) API key that Homebridge deCONZ used for the previous deCONZ installation is not known to the new deCONZ installation. Indeed, the remedy is to un-expose the gateway, and re-expose it, so Homebridge deCONZ will forget the restored API key and request a new one.
Dynamic settings are now exposed through a separate API, rather than through HomeKit, see See how to un-expose the gateway.
Thanks for your explanation.
Solved with
ui -D put / ‚{“expose“: false}‘
ui -D put / ‚{“expose“: true}‘
...Conbee2 "App verbinden"/restart Homebridge -> et voilà
Thread can be closed.
One question left.
Looks like you backed up/restored Homebridge deCONZ, but not deCONZ itself. The (restored) API key that Homebridge deCONZ used for the previous deCONZ installation is not known to the new deCONZ installation.
For the next time: The homebridge backup does not include the deCONZ part. How can I backup the API key from my new deCONZ installation or is this not needed?
You need to backup and restore deCONZ, through the Phoscon app.
I had done that, so it's not clear to me why it happened...
Hello guys,
following situation:
Now I get these message:
[04/02/2024, 13:37:30] [deCONZ] Phoscon.gateway: request 1: GET / [04/02/2024, 13:37:30] [deCONZ] Phoscon.gateway: warning: request 1: /: api error 1: unauthorized user [04/02/2024, 13:37:30] [deCONZ] 1 gateways [04/02/2024, 13:37:30] [deCONZ] created debug dump file /var/lib/homebridge/homebridge-deconz.json.gz
No devices are visible in the homebridge ui and in Apple Home but I can see them in the Phoscon App.
Any ideas to fix this unauthorized user issue?