ebaauw / homebridge-hue

Homebridge plugin for Philips Hue
Apache License 2.0
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Centralite Pearl Thermostat connected, but not receiving commands #1085

Closed barryl93 closed 1 year ago

barryl93 commented 2 years ago


After working fine for a few days, my Centralite Pearl Thermostat no longer responds to commands in Home.app or in the Accessories tab of Homebridge UI. I can change the temperature all I want, but the setpoint on the unit remains the same.

The unit is connected to my Conbee2 and shows up in deCONZ with a nice, strong signal (LQI of 252 to the Conbee itself, LQI 160 to a nearby router). The signal light is lit on the unit itself. So it's connected. It's just not actually being controlled.

I tried restarting my Hue plugin (which is on a child bridge), but nothing. Every other device connected to the Conbee and controlled through Hue is working as expected. It's just this one device.

Log Messages

Debug Files


ebaauw commented 2 years ago

If you capture and attach a debug log file (see FAQ) while trying to control the thermostat from HomeKit, I can double-check whether Homebridge Hue sends the right API requests to deCONZ, and whether deCONZ reports that it processed these requests.

However, most likely, this is an issue between deCONZ and the thermostat. Can you control the thermostat from the deCONZ GUI or other deCONZ clients? Do you see any errors in the deCONZ log?

The unit is connected to my Conbee2 and shows up in deCONZ with a nice, strong signal (LQI of 252 to the Conbee itself, LQI 160 to a nearby router). The signal light is lit on the unit itself. So it's connected. It's just not actually being controlled.

Sorry, that is nonsense: Zigbee doesn't use connections, only messaging. The lines on the map in the GUI reflect neighbour table entries in the routers and the signal strength is that of the last message. The "signal light" is probably just an indicator that the thermostat has joined a Zigbee network.

barryl93 commented 2 years ago


First of all, I apologize for the imprecision of my language in re: connection vs. messaging. I'm not an expert, just a slightly advanced amateur trying to figure this out.

I don't see any way to control the thermostat through the deCONZ GUI. And when I quit HB and run

$ homebridge -CD 2>&1 | tee homebridge.log

none of my HB devices work in Home.app any longer, so I can't control them to capture the log. The HB that launches when I manually use the command line above has a different HomeKit pairing code and seems to be running on a different port than the service I quit with the previous command.

I don't see any errors in the deCONZ log, FWIW.

ebaauw commented 2 years ago

First of all, I apologize for the imprecision of my language in re: connection vs. messaging.

Don’t worry, no need to apologise. It confuses a lot of people into thinking the Zigbee network is problem free, where it just doesn’t indicate that at all.

The HB that launches when I manually use the command line above has a different HomeKit pairing code and seems to be running on a different port than the service I quit with the previous command.

It’s using a different directory, with different config.json and persisted storage. Easier to use the Homebridge UI, so you can download the log from there.

I don't see any way to control the thermostat through the deCONZ GUI.

Click the right drop-down button (circle) on the node to see the endpoints and clusters, select the Thermostat cluster and open the Cluster Info panel. There you can interact with the device. See the user manual under the Help menu for details.

Alternatively, you could try another API client, or Postman or the ph command-line utility bundled with Homebridge Hue, to interact directly with the deCONZ API.

I don't see any errors in the deCONZ log, FWIW.

Are the options to show errors enabled in the Debug View?

barryl93 commented 2 years ago

I don't even know how to begin to say this, but...

Even though I restarted the child bridge and HB repeatedly while doing my own troubleshooting, SOMETHING in that sequence of events I tried from your FAQ must have shaken something loose because suddenly the thermostat is working perfectly.

I've taken note of your comments above and will use them if it starts acting up again. In the meantime, thank you for your time...and for this amazing plugin!

I'll close this now since it seems to be working.

ebaauw commented 2 years ago

Sounds to me like the ConBee II re-established a route to the thermostat, or the thermostat found a new parent router.

barryl93 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I think you're right about that. I did set up a new bulb right around that time, so it might be that the thermostat "saw" the bulb just found a more stable place to go for its signal. Thanks again -- I really love this plugin. It's totally changed my smart house!

barryl93 commented 1 year ago

Oops. Reopening this because suddenly the thermostat isn't working again. This time, though, I have an error in the log to show you!

Quick details: HB and Home.app are communicating with each other just fine -- when I change the thermostat's status in one of them, it changes in the other. And the thermostat is clearly broadcasting because the temperature on the thermostat updates HB and Home.app. But commands FROM HB or Home.app don't go through to the hardware itself.

Here's that error I promised...

[10/4/2022, 5:07:14 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: homekit target heating cooling state changed from 0 to 1 [10/4/2022, 5:07:14 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 158: PUT /sensors/22/config {"mode":"auto"} [10/4/2022, 5:07:14 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 158: api error 6: parameter, mode, not available

I suspect that this is not a problem with the Hue plugin itself, but somewhere else. Still, you're the expert, so maybe you have thoughts...?

ebaauw commented 1 year ago

See https://github.com/ebaauw/homebridge-hue/issues/1046. There should also be a warning in the Homebridge log on startup, that the thermostat is incompatible.

Not sure what you mean by "isn't working". There's simply no way to turn the thermostat on or off through the deCONZ API, presumably, because it's always on. You should be able to set the target temperature alright.

barryl93 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, when I said "turn it on," I meant "turn on the heat," not the thermostat -- you're right, of course. The thermostat itself is always on.

But when I change the target temperature in HB or in Home.app, it doesn't change on the thermostat itself.

I just restarted the Hue child bridge and saw no warning about incompatibility. (It worked for months earlier in the year -- is the incompatibility a new issue?)

[10/4/2022, 6:18:56 PM] [Hue] Restarting Process... [10/4/2022, 6:18:57 PM] [Hue] Launched child bridge with PID 15262 [10/4/2022, 6:19:00 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-hue.Hue' [10/4/2022, 6:19:00 PM] [Hue] Loaded homebridge-hue v0.13.46 child bridge successfully [10/4/2022, 6:19:00 PM] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0E5193F6438A. [10/4/2022, 6:19:00 PM] [Hue] homebridge-hue v0.13.46, node v16.17.1, homebridge v1.5.0 [10/4/2022, 6:19:00 PM] [Hue] warning: planned changes, see https://github.com/ebaauw/homebridge-hue/issues/1070 [10/4/2022, 6:19:00 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: dresden elektronik deCONZ gateway v2.14.1, api v1.16.0 [10/4/2022, 6:19:00 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: warning: support for deCONZ will be deprecated in favour of Homebridge deCONZ [10/4/2022, 6:19:00 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: warning: not using recommended deCONZ gateway version 2.18.2 [10/4/2022, 6:19:00 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 21 accessories [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: websocket connected to ws:// [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] [Hue] masked debug info dumped to /var/lib/homebridge/homebridge-hue.json.gz [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Conbee2'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 3 services [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Dimmable light 2'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Mantel Left'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Mantel Right'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Dimmable light 5'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Sengled Foyer'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Deck light'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Basement Right'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Over the Bookcase'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Basement Left'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Garage Right'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Garage Left'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Front Porch Left'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Front Porch Right'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'On/Off plug-in unit 15'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Daylight'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'TRÅDFRI shortcut button'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Motion Sensor'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'VPIR Motion deck'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Water Sensor'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Thermostat'... [10/4/2022, 6:19:01 PM] Homebridge v1.5.0 (HAP v0.10.2) (Hue) is running on port 52016. [10/4/2022, 6:19:02 PM] [Hue] Front Porch Left: set homekit supported transition configuration to {"configuration":[{"iid":11,"characteristic":1},{"iid":13,"characteristic":2}]} [10/4/2022, 6:19:02 PM] [Hue] Front Porch Right: set homekit supported transition configuration to {"configuration":[{"iid":11,"characteristic":1},{"iid":13,"characteristic":2}]} [10/4/2022, 6:19:10 PM] [Hue] LightLevel 15: set homekit light level from 46.3981 lux to 25.3046 lux

ebaauw commented 1 year ago

Sorry, when I said "turn it on," I meant "turn on the heat," not the thermostat -- you're right, of course. The thermostat itself is always on.

Whatever you want call it, the deCONZ API provides no means to turn on the heat, as config.mode is missing.

But when I change the target temperature in HB or in Home.app, it doesn't change on the thermostat itself.

What does the log show in that case? Make sure to run Homebridge in DEBUG mode to see the commands sent to deCONZ.

I just restarted the Hue child bridge and saw no warning about incompatibility.

Hm, I fear that’s a bug: wrong condition to issue the warning.

It worked for months earlier in the year -- is the incompatibility a new issue?

Turning the heat on or off could never have worked without config.mode. Maybe deCONZ used to expose it, but lost it in a recent version?

barryl93 commented 1 year ago

So very strange. It looks like now I can change the temp. Still can't change the mode, which I used to be able to do. Perhaps as you indicate, deCONZ stopped exposing it at some point? I'm going to update my Conbee and see what happens.

I put HB in debugging mode and ran it. Just in case it's at all illuminating, here are the logs, with a bunch of unrelated accessories edited out to keep it from being ridiculously long.

` [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-hue.Hue' [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Loaded homebridge-hue v0.13.46 child bridge successfully [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0E5193F6438A. [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] homebridge-hue v0.13.46, node v16.17.1, homebridge v1.5.0 [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] warning: planned changes, see https://github.com/ebaauw/homebridge-hue/issues/1070 [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] config.json: {"name":"Hue","anyOn":true,"effects":true,"excludeSensorTypes":["CLIPGenericStatus"],"hosts":["192...240:80"],"lights":true,"linkButton":true,"nativeHomeKitLights":true,"nativeHomeKitSensors":true,"resource":true,"sensors":true,"users":{"00212EFFFF07413B":"***1"},"platform":"Hue"} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] config: {"anyOn":true,"brightnessAdjustment":1,"effects":true,"excludeSensorTypes":{"CLIPGenericStatus":true},"forceHttp":false,"heartrate":5,"hosts":["192.*.*.240:80"],"lowBattery":25,"homebridgeDeconz":"","homebridgeHue2":"","nativeHomeKitLights":true,"nativeHomeKitSensors":true,"resetTimeout":500,"resource":true,"timeout":5,"users":{"00212EFFFF07413B":"***1"},"waitTimePut":50,"waitTimePutGroup":1000,"waitTimeResend":300,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"name":"Hue","lights":true,"linkButton":true,"sensors":true,"platform":"Hue"} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] 192...240: request 1: GET /config [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] 192...240: request 1: 200 OK [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: dresden elektronik deCONZ gateway v2.14.1, api v1.16.0 [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: warning: support for deCONZ will be deprecated in favour of Homebridge deCONZ [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: warning: not using recommended deCONZ gateway version 2.18.2 [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 1: GET / [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 1: 200 OK [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 2: GET /groups/0 [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 2: 200 OK [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 00212EFFFF07413B: dresden elektronik deCONZ gateway "Conbee2" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/1: ignore repeater {"etag":"31a052ac0592ac267a55a62ae8a6f5c9","hascolor":false,"lastannounced":null,"lastseen":"2022-10-04T23:20Z","manufacturername":"dresden elektronik","modelid":"ConBee II","name":"Configuration tool 1","state":{"reachable":true},"swversion":"0x26660700","type":"Configuration tool","uniqueid":"00:21:2e:ff:ff:07:41:3b-01"} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /sensors/18: CLIPGenericStatus excluded [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 000D6F000B49B918: Nanoleaf NL08-0800 "Dimmable light 2" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/2: Dimmable light "Dimmable light 2" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/2: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":true} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 000D6F000B591F03: Nanoleaf NL08-0800 "Mantel Left" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/3: Dimmable light "Mantel Left" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/3: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":true} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 000D6F000B59289F: Nanoleaf NL08-0800 "Mantel Right" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/4: Dimmable light "Mantel Right" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/4: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":true} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 000D6F000B49A0A8: Nanoleaf NL08-0800 "Dimmable light 5" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/5: Dimmable light "Dimmable light 5" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/5: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":true} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: B0CE181403597D4D: sengled E11-G13 "Sengled Foyer" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/6: Dimmable light "Sengled Foyer" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/6: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":true} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 04CF8CDF3C762303: LUMI lumi.switch.b1naus01 "Deck light" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/7: On/Off light "Deck light" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/7: config: {"on":true,"bri":false,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":true} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /sensors/8: ZHAConsumption "Consumption 8" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /sensors/9: ZHAPower "Power 9" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 001788011036835D: Philips LWB006 "Basement Right" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/8: Dimmable light "Basement Right" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/8: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":false} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 001788010369E783: Philips LWB014 "Over the Bookcase" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/9: Dimmable light "Over the Bookcase" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/9: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":false} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 001788011043D1F4: Philips LWB006 "Basement Left" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/10: Dimmable light "Basement Left" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/10: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":false} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 001788010369E82D: Philips LWB014 "Garage Right" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/11: Dimmable light "Garage Right" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/11: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":false} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 0017880102FF50AC: Philips LWB014 "Garage Left" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/12: Dimmable light "Garage Left" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/12: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":false} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 0017880103BCD2D9: Philips LCT016 "Front Porch Left" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/13: Extended color light "Front Porch Left" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/13: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":true,"xy":true,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":true,"colorLoopSpeed":true,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"minCt":153,"maxCt":500,"gamut":{"r":[0.692,0.308],"g":[0.17,0.7],"b":[0.153,0.048]},"unknown":false,"computesXy":true} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 00178801038E7857: Philips LCT016 "Front Porch Right" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/14: Extended color light "Front Porch Right" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/14: config: {"on":true,"bri":true,"ct":true,"xy":true,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":true,"colorLoopSpeed":true,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"minCt":153,"maxCt":500,"gamut":{"r":[0.692,0.308],"g":[0.17,0.7],"b":[0.153,0.048]},"unknown":false,"computesXy":true} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 00124B0023B863A7: eWeLink SA-003-Zigbee "On/Off plug-in unit 15" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/15: On/Off plug-in unit "On/Off plug-in unit 15" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /lights/15: config: {"on":true,"bri":false,"ct":false,"xy":false,"alert":true,"speed":false,"colorLoop":false,"colorLoopSpeed":false,"lastSeen":true,"resetTimeout":500,"waitTimeUpdate":20,"unknown":true} [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 00212EFFFF07413B-1: Philips PHDL00 "Daylight" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /sensors/1: Daylight "Daylight" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Daylight: sensor lightlevel changed from undefined to 1000 [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 0C4314FFFEA555B5: IKEA of Sweden TRADFRI SHORTCUT Button "TRÅDFRI shortcut button" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /sensors/3: ZHASwitch "TRÅDFRI shortcut button" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 00178801064532AC: Philips SML002 "Motion Sensor" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /sensors/13: ZHAPresence "Motion Sensor" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /sensors/15: ZHALightLevel "LightLevel 15" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /sensors/14: ZHATemperature "Temperature 14" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 00212EFFFF07413B-17: Phoscon PHOSCON_VPIR "VPIR Motion deck" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /sensors/17: CLIPPresence "VPIR Motion deck" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 00158D0006C4F3AC: LUMI lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1 "Water Sensor" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /sensors/21: ZHAWater "Water Sensor" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 000D6F000326B64D: CentraLite 3157100-E "Thermostat" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: /sensors/22: ZHAThermostat "Thermostat" [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 10 sensors [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 14 lights [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 0 schedules [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 0 rules [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 0 groups [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 21 accessories [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: websocket connected to ws:// [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] masked debug info dumped to /var/lib/homebridge/homebridge-hue.json.gz [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Conbee2'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: 3 services [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Dimmable light 2'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Mantel Left'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Mantel Right'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Dimmable light 5'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Sengled Foyer'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Deck light'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Basement Right'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Over the Bookcase'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Basement Left'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Garage Right'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Garage Left'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Front Porch Left'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Front Porch Right'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'On/Off plug-in unit 15'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Daylight'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'TRÅDFRI shortcut button'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Motion Sensor'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'VPIR Motion deck'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Water Sensor'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Thermostat'... [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Publishing bridge accessory (name: Hue, publishInfo: { username: '0E:51:93:F6:43:8A', port: 52016, pincode: '*-*-', category: 2, bind: undefined, mdns: undefined, addIdentifyingMaterial: true, advertiser: 'ciao' }). [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] [Hue] npm registry: request 1: GET /homebridge-hue/latest [10/4/2022, 7:21:28 PM] Homebridge v1.5.0 (HAP v0.10.2) (Hue) is running on port 52016. [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Consumption 8: attr changed event: {"id":"8","lastannounced":"2022-09-03T10:52:43Z","lastseen":"2022-10-04T23:21Z","manufacturername":"LUMI","modelid":"lumi.switch.b1naus01","name":"Consumption 8","swversion":"09-06-2019","type":"ZHAConsumption","uniqueid":"04:cf:8c:df:3c:76:23:03-01-0702"} [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Power 9: attr changed event: {"id":"9","lastannounced":"2022-09-03T10:52:43Z","lastseen":"2022-10-04T23:21Z","manufacturername":"LUMI","modelid":"lumi.switch.b1naus01","name":"Power 9","swversion":"09-06-2019","type":"ZHAPower","uniqueid":"04:cf:8c:df:3c:76:23:03-01-0b04"} [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Deck light: attr changed event: {"id":"7","lastannounced":"2022-09-03T10:52:43Z","lastseen":"2022-10-04T23:21Z","manufacturername":"LUMI","modelid":"lumi.switch.b1naus01","name":"Deck light","swversion":"09-06-2019","type":"On/Off light","uniqueid":"04:cf:8c:df:3c:76:23:03-01"} [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] npm registry: request 1: 200 OK [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] latest version: homebridge-hue v0.13.46 [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Front Porch Right: attr changed event: {"colorcapabilities":31,"ctmax":500,"ctmin":153,"id":"14","lastannounced":"2022-09-03T10:52:45Z","lastseen":"2022-10-04T23:21Z","manufacturername":"Philips","modelid":"LCT016","name":"Front Porch Right","swversion":"1.88.1","type":"Extended color light","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:03:8e:78:57-0b"} [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 3: GET /sensors [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 3: 200 OK [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 4: GET /lights [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 4: 200 OK [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Consumption 8: add history entry {"power":0,"time":1664925690} [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Motion Sensor: add history entry {"status":0,"time":1664925690} [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] VPIR Motion deck: add history entry {"status":0,"time":1664925690} [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: add history entry {"currentTemp":21.5,"setTemp":20,"time":1664925690} [10/4/2022, 7:21:29 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: get homekit program data return 1200130014c01900fff41e1e1e1efc1513040a16f6000000faffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1affffffffffffffff [10/4/2022, 7:21:31 PM] [Hue] Temperature 14: attr changed event: {"id":"14","lastannounced":"2022-10-03T14:02:09Z","lastseen":"2022-10-04T23:21Z","manufacturername":"Philips","modelid":"SML002","name":"Temperature 14","swversion":"","type":"ZHATemperature","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:06:45:32:ac-02-0402"} [10/4/2022, 7:21:31 PM] [Hue] Temperature 14: state changed event: {"lastupdated":"2022-10-04T23:21:31.921","temperature":1055} [10/4/2022, 7:21:31 PM] [Hue] Temperature 14: sensor temperature changed from 1069 to 1055 [10/4/2022, 7:21:31 PM] [Hue] Temperature 14: set homekit temperature from 10.7°C to 10.6°C [10/4/2022, 7:21:42 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: attr changed event: {"id":"22","lastannounced":null,"lastseen":"2022-10-04T23:21Z","manufacturername":"CentraLite","modelid":"3157100-E","name":"Thermostat","swversion":null,"type":"ZHAThermostat","uniqueid":"00:0d:6f:00:03:26:b6:4d-01-0201"}

[10/4/2022, 7:26:04 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: attr changed event: {"id":"22","lastannounced":null,"lastseen":"2022-10-04T23:26Z","manufacturername":"CentraLite","modelid":"3157100-E","name":"Thermostat","swversion":null,"type":"ZHAThermostat","uniqueid":"00:0d:6f:00:03:26:b6:4d-01-0201"} [10/4/2022, 7:26:04 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: config changed event: {"battery":80,"heatsetpoint":2055,"offset":0,"on":true,"reachable":true,"schedule":{},"schedule_on":false} [10/4/2022, 7:26:04 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: sensor heatsetpoint changed from 2150 to 2055 [10/4/2022, 7:26:04 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: set homekit target temperature from 21.5°C to 20.5°C

[10/4/2022, 7:26:08 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: config changed event: {"battery":80,"heatsetpoint":2000,"offset":0,"on":true,"reachable":true,"schedule":{},"schedule_on":false} [10/4/2022, 7:26:08 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: sensor heatsetpoint changed from 2055 to 2000 [10/4/2022, 7:26:08 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: set homekit target temperature from 20.5°C to 20°C

[10/4/2022, 7:48:46 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: homekit target heating cooling state changed from 1 to 0 [10/4/2022, 7:48:46 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 663: PUT /sensors/22/config {"mode":"off"} [10/4/2022, 7:48:46 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 663: 200 OK [10/4/2022, 7:48:46 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 663: PUT /sensors/22/config {"mode":"off"} [10/4/2022, 7:48:46 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 663: api error 6: parameter, mode, not available [10/4/2022, 7:48:49 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 664: GET /sensors [10/4/2022, 7:48:49 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 664: 200 OK [10/4/2022, 7:48:49 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 665: GET /lights [10/4/2022, 7:48:49 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 665: 200 OK [10/4/2022, 7:48:50 PM] [Hue] Power 9: state changed event: {"lastupdated":"2022-10-04T23:48:50.428","power":0} [10/4/2022, 7:48:51 PM] [Wyze] Refreshing devices... [10/4/2022, 7:48:51 PM] [Wyze] Performing request: app/v2/home_page/get_object_list [10/4/2022, 7:48:51 PM] [Wyze] Request config: {"method":"POST","url":"app/v2/home_page/get_object_list","data":{"access_token":"lvtx.gfwwAJ6qIWXERLzuzNkOa9NyXvDvFNRMxH24dQi9u6lFzqqVXJS2doRzQkRkyTK7NSZfSfrHfwI0dsZGYNBGgfhYQLizbtUqETOODoYyyFUF69fC+2oBJv9O5DJcsawTPDbMvyyRh3dN38TJgPanJD7Ly4+4GbITbtqekixNRYGZUggorTs25zRkyD4Qdhyg+JcLGA==","app_name":"com.hualai.WyzeCam","app_ver":"com.hualai.WyzeCam___2.10.72","app_version":"2.10.72","phone_id":"bc151f39-787b-4871-be27-5a20fd0a1937","phone_system_type":"1","sc":"9f275790cab94a72bd206c8876429f3c","sv":"9d74946e652647e9b6c9d59326aef104","ts":1664927331659},"baseURL":"https://api.wyzecam.com"} [10/4/2022, 7:48:52 PM] [Wyze] API response: {"ts":1664927332069,"code":"1","msg":"","data":{"device_group_list":[],"device_list":[{"mac":"YD.LO1.089d816ab302a76fea838b0abf24a1c9","first_activation_ts":1638237966000,"first_binding_ts":1638237966000,"enr":"","nickname":"Back Door","timezone_name":null,"product_model":"YD.LO1","product_model_logo_url":"https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wyze-file/system-logo/device/small/wyze_icon_lock.png","product_type":"Lock","hardware_ver":"","firmware_ver":"1.0.0","user_role":1,"binding_user_nickname":"barrylyga@barrylyga.com","conn_state":1,"conn_state_ts":1664254226087,"push_switch":1,"device_params":{"switch_state":0,"open_close_state":0},"is_in_auto":0,"event_master_switch":1,"parent_device_mac":"","parent_device_enr":"","binding_ts":1638237966000,"timezone_gmt_offset":0},{"mac":"YD.GW1.17f094b25b750fccc7df249669946e9f","first_activation_ts":1638222106000,"first_binding_ts":1638222106000,"enr":"","nickname":"Lock Gateway","timezone_name":null,"product_model":"YD.GW1","product_model_logo_url":"https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wyze-file/system-logo/device/small/wyze_icon_gateway.png","product_type":"GateWay","hardware_ver":"","firmware_ver":"1.0.0","user_role":1,"binding_user_nickname":"barrylyga@barrylyga.com","conn_state":1,"conn_state_ts":1664254224812,"push_switch":1,"device_params":{},"is_in_auto":0,"event_master_switch":1,"parent_device_mac":"","parent_device_enr":"","binding_ts":1638222106000,"timezone_gmt_offset":0}],"device_sort_list":[]}} [10/4/2022, 7:48:52 PM] [Wyze] Found 2 device(s) [10/4/2022, 7:48:52 PM] [Wyze] Unsupported device type: GateWay [10/4/2022, 7:48:53 PM] [Hue] Thermostat: homekit target heating cooling state changed from 0 to 1 [10/4/2022, 7:48:53 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 666: PUT /sensors/22/config {"mode":"auto"} [10/4/2022, 7:48:53 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 666: 200 OK [10/4/2022, 7:48:53 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 666: PUT /sensors/22/config {"mode":"auto"} [10/4/2022, 7:48:53 PM] [Hue] Conbee2: request 666: api error 6: parameter, mode, not available`