ebaauw / homebridge-hue

Homebridge plugin for Philips Hue
Apache License 2.0
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updated homebridge-hue, now i ve got npmjs timeout 5s, homebridge bootloop #846

Closed Dominik-1980 closed 3 years ago

Dominik-1980 commented 3 years ago


updated homebridge-hue to latest, now i ve got npmjs timeout 5s, homebridge bootloop

Log Messages

Error: registry.npmjs.org: timeout after 5 seconds at newError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-hue/node_modules/homebridge-lib/lib/HttpClient.js:26:10) at ClientRequest. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-hue/node_modules/homebridge-lib/lib/HttpClient.js:331:25) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:315:20) at TLSSocket.emitRequestTimeout (_http_client.js:784:9) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:421:28) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:327:22) at TLSSocket.Socket._onTimeout (net.js:483:8) at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17) at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7)

Debug Files

ebaauw commented 3 years ago

Please attach a debug log file.

Dominik-1980 commented 3 years ago

How do i get this?

ebaauw commented 3 years ago

See https://github.com/ebaauw/homebridge-hue#debug-log-file

If the issue is requests timing out, you might try setting timeout in config.json.

Dominik-1980 commented 3 years ago

I have changed the config.json timeout from 5 to 25, but the error is still there showing 5s timeout. I send you the log file in 5 minutes...

Dominik-1980 commented 3 years ago

What can I say... I uninstalled the homebridge-hue plugin and deleted the config in the config.json. Now, i reinstalled it and copy and paste my hue config. Now it works like a charm without any errors... :-)

ebaauw commented 3 years ago

The NPM registry seems slow lately, maybe npm didn't install the latest version at first?

v0.12.6 has issues running on NodeJS v12.x, but v0.12.7 should be OK.

Dominik-1980 commented 3 years ago

I am on node.js 14.15.1 and npm 6.14.8

Dominik-1980 commented 3 years ago

It took me one hour to set up my complex automations again with many zigbee sensors, dependencies and Shortcuts. Homekit kicked everything out and put it in the standard room after i got homebridge running again. Is there any possibility to keep this settings in case something goes wrong in the future? Tomorrow I will do a dump of my micro sd card.

mtressl commented 3 years ago

Same issue here, I am annoyed AF. Can feel your pain @DrDoom666.

For reference, the log entries when the hue plugin makes the crap and send everything south: [12/5/2020, 11:41:22 PM] Error: registry.npmjs.org: timeout after 5 seconds at newError (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-hue/node_modules/homebridge-lib/lib/HttpClient.js:26:10) at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-hue/node_modules/homebridge-lib/lib/HttpClient.js:331:25) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:315:20) at TLSSocket.emitRequestTimeout (_http_client.js:784:9) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:421:28) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:327:22) at TLSSocket.Socket._onTimeout (net.js:483:8) at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17) at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7)

Dominik-1980 commented 3 years ago

You can try to deinstall homebridge-hue, delete the settings in config.json, restart the server, install homebridge-hue again and copy and paste the settings back in config.json. For me it worked.

mtressl commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I know. But then I'd need to fix the room configs again, and the scenes, and my 20 Alexa routines as well.

@ebaauw : how can I force an full reinstall from npm so I get the latest versions?

mtressl commented 3 years ago

Did a downgrade to v0.12.4 and back to v0.12.7 and now it seems fine.

ebaauw commented 3 years ago

Warning If you start Homebridge without Homebridge Hue, HomeKit will delete all accessories exposed by Homebridge Hue. They'll re-appear when you next run Homebridge with Homebridge Hue, but you'll have lost all associations with HomeKit rooms, groups, scenes, automations.

To uninstall Homebridge Hue: sudo npm -g un homebridge-hue.

To install a particular version (other than latest): sudo npm -g i homebridge-hue@0.12.4

ebaauw commented 3 years ago

If contacting the NPM registry fails, Homebridge exits due an unchecked error in Homebridge Hue v0.12.7. The NPM registry isn't the most stable service on the Internet, so the error will be intermittent.

Homebridge Hue v0.12.8 should fix this (and some more possible unchecked errors).

mtressl commented 3 years ago

Hi @ebaauw ist the following error also related to NPM timeouts? It came up with one of the versions published yesterday and is still present in v0.12.8:

[12/6/2020, 10:54:32 AM] [Philips Hue & deCONZ (ZigBee)] request 14405: GET /sensors [12/6/2020, 10:54:32 AM] [Philips Hue & deCONZ (ZigBee)] timeout after 5 seconds [12/6/2020, 10:54:32 AM] [Philips Hue & deCONZ (ZigBee)] RaspBee-II-GW: gateway request 14405: get /sensors [12/6/2020, 10:54:32 AM] [Philips Hue & deCONZ (ZigBee)] RaspBee-II-GW: gateway communication error: timeout after 5 seconds [12/6/2020, 10:54:32 AM] [Philips Hue & deCONZ (ZigBee)] RaspBee-II-GW: heartbeat error: timeout after 5 seconds

I know it is related to deCONZ and RaspBee-II. No clue why, but deCONZ seems to run stable.

ebaauw commented 3 years ago

Not related.

I take it Homebridge and Homebridge Hue continue to run?

mtressl commented 3 years ago

Yes they keep running. But it's three lines of yellow warnings, and the last line is red which makes me worry.


mtressl commented 3 years ago

From a REST client get /lights and get /sensors works fine, no timeouts.

ebaauw commented 3 years ago

But it's three lines of yellow warnings, and the last line is red which makes me worry.

I'll make the red line yellow in the next version and double check the amount of messages.

From a REST client get /lights and get /sensors works fine, no timeouts.

Do you the timeout continuously in the log, or only rarely? There's still an issue that the deCONZ REST API plugin freezes for a couple of seconds while saving the database, so a timeout of 5 seconds might be a bit challenging. Also, I'd recommend running Homebridge and deCONZ on the same server, to cut out any network overhead between the two of them.

mtressl commented 3 years ago

Homebridge and deCONZ are on the same server. Both running in their own Docker (I think my setup is pretty similar to yours, with Raspberry and RaspBee-II).

The timeouts are random: last two happened 11:34 AM (from screenshot above, plus another one right before), since then (now it's 12:06 PM) nothing happened.

Will try a more generous timeout now.

ebaauw commented 3 years ago

I don't do Docker.

mtressl commented 3 years ago

I don't do Docker.


Increased timeout to 10 sec now, after the restart no occurrences so far.

ebaauw commented 3 years ago

Messages sanitised in v0.10.12.