ebaauw / homebridge-nb

Homebridge plugin for Nuki Bridge
Apache License 2.0
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No chime on HomePod and no option for it #79

Closed MirkoKas closed 2 years ago

MirkoKas commented 2 years ago


I integrated today my new Opener into my HomeKit setup with your plugin. When I added the Nuki device into Home it asked me wether I want to hear the chimes on my HomePods. I answered yes ;-) When the doorbell rings I get a notification from the Apple Home App, but the HomePods do not ring.

I already read a few posts to find a fix and maybe it’s just a hiccup with iCloud or so, but I don’t even find an option for configuring the chime afterwards within my Home App. On the web you find screens where you can configure for example which HomePods should ring or shouldn’t. Can’t find this on my setup.

Am I missing something? Or how can I achieve the chime sounds?

MirkoKas commented 2 years ago

In addition I also tried to put the Opener in a room with a HKSV camera. Didn’t change anything.

ebaauw commented 2 years ago

Home only seems to support fully the Doorbell service in a video doorbell accessory, but I do get notifications almost all the time on my iDevices, and sometimes on my AppleTV (when it’s on) and HomePod mini. Afaik, Home doesn’t provide any control for Doorbell notification setting. I added Enabled to the Doorbell service to silence it, but, unfortunately, that’s an all or nothing workaround.

When the doorbell rings I get a notification from the Apple Home App

So Homebridge NB works as intended.

MirkoKas commented 2 years ago

Ok. Thx. I thought I should get the chimes on the HomePod as well. I‘m wondering wether there is a way to trick HomeKit into thinking that the Opener is a video doorbell to show these settings shown here:


If that would be possible everyone could configure the sound on HomePod like Apple intended it for doorbells.

ebaauw commented 2 years ago

I suppose that trick would be exposing the Opener as video doorbell accessory. That is: adding an IP Camera service (with dummy video stream) and possibly a Microphone, Speaker, and Motion Sensor service (at least the HomeKit accessory simulator adds these by default).

MirkoKas commented 2 years ago

Sounds complicated but it could be reasonable to have a fully compatible doorbell accessory the way Apple designed this.

ebaauw commented 2 years ago

Too complex for Homebridge NB.